day 13
Set Some Goals -- I mistakenly did this back on day 3. :P
day 14 Issue a challenge! I wanted to issue a valentines challenge, and then, lo and behold, I found a
valentines challenge to join in! yay!!
day 15 love letter to fandom.
Dear Fandom,
Somehow, I was born a fan. Like a Lady Gaga song: I was born this way! And because of that, for a really long time, I was WEIRD. I spent my whole childhood and much of my adolescence being WEIRD. But eventually I found other fans and we found mutual fandoms. Then in the mid 90s the internet happened. Those of you who have always had the internet can't imagine what a big deal this was to us. Suddenly, slash (which had been around for a really long time) became a thing you could subscribe to (hello Mulder/Krycek!!) and dive into (yowza 852 Prospect!!) and actually Live In, from day to day (woot woot LJ!!!). Fandom has given me the freedom to enjoy my own tastes and to revel in them, because somewhere, out there, are other fans like me who LOVE IT. The squee heard round the world is my squee. Thank you fandom!! for the joy, the wild creativity, the love, the weird and the wonder of it all. Ladies, you make my world go round! :)
in other news, Ursula K LeGuin died yesterday at the age of 88. What a life well-lived.
And, here is a good article about the Tick.