movie review: Eagle Huntress

Dec 17, 2016 18:06

I loved so many things about Eagle Huntress, but I will hit the highlights here:

1. Highly trained beautiful animals.
2. Brave little girl.
3. Awesome dad.
4. Sublime landscape -- MONGOLIA!!!!
5. Great music in the soundtrack.

Let me also add, traditional ways being celebrated by the people -- and in this case, passing the tradition from father to daughter!!

Every time the girl and her dad rode out on their ponies with their eagles on their arms, I was choking up.
Warning for some harm to animals (because eagles are carnivorous).  For me it was low on the gruesome scale.

Special bonus: Daisy Ridley of Star Wars fame narrated and produced it!!  So proud of her for throwing her celebrity status in support of this beautiful movie.

This movie is now playing at my local arthouse.  I am so lucky to have a local arthouse!! My husband and I went today to see this movie as a matinee. If you go to see it, I hope you will enjoy it!


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