TITLE: "angels fall like rain"
PAIRING, RATING: This piece is Gen, but it is about Dean and Castiel.
WARNINGS: not so much, except it is written as a prose poem and does not divide evenly into 100 word chunks :) angst, light literary allusion, heavy use of consonants.
SPOILERS: for situation through 4.20
NOTES: This fic is for
roguebitch , who bit when I
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I am also very conflicted. I subscribe to the deancastiel comm, so my flist is ALL DEAN/CASTIEL, ALL THE TIME. Which is fun, but, it's usually predicated on that sad, sad, LACK OF SAMMY. Because why would Dean turn to Castiel for friendship, love, and support if he HAD HIS SAMMY. :( Oh, sad sigh.
otoh, I just can't resist Castiel. He is so cute with his strange Angelic ways, and he tries so hard to be Dean's Angel, but he just doesn't Get these pesky humans. Being Dean's Angel would be a Very Rough Job i think!!
And Dean, really, just needs someone to love him, with all his guilt and all his flaws, and who should be better at unconditional love than a freakin Angel?!? except when they're smiting of course -- Uriel was all smite. And you can't really trust Angel Z of course (very creepy) or Anna (very fallen, tho she's growing on me....) so that leaves Castiel. Who, i think, is really willing to love Dean, if only his superiors would stop TORTURING HIM OUT OF IT. :(
This fic is also my little attempt to show that Castiel can and will recover from whatever they did to him in 4.20.... and so will Dean.... But I'm sure it'll take some time.
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