SPN countdown: s1

Sep 28, 2014 20:38

I don't remember episodes very well just from their titles, but that is what superwiki is for.
Here are my reactions off the top of my head.  I hope you guys aren't shocked by my lack of love for some things!  s1 is not my favorite season, but there are still plenty of fantastic moments.

:)    •    1.01 Pilot -- of course my favorite part is when Sam says you can do it alone, but Dean says, I don't want to
o_o   •    1.02 Wendigo -- this was the only ep of s1 I saw when it aired, and I hated it!  Sam seemed like a whiner, and the two brothers seem so mismatched, and the whole thing seemed like a ripoff of the x Files.  I did not realize at that time that several SPN directors had actually worked for X Files, which prior to Supernatural was the show that seemingly spawned from inside my own head.  I did not pick up SPN when it aired.  Sorry, super slow yet supposedly fast Wendigo!!
:D   •    1.03 Dead in the Water.  Love this ep.  Love Andrea Barr.  Love Dean connecting with the little boy. Still think Sam is annoying.
:D    •    1.04 Phantom Traveler -- love scared Dean on the plane, love the pretexting and the Metallica.  Great ep.
o_o    •    1.05 Bloody Mary-- not so much.
:D    •    1.06 Skin -- Like it.  Like meeting Sam's friends and hearing the secret underbelly of Dean's resentments from the shifter.  Dean was never the "good soldier" like Sam thought.
o_o    •    1.07 Hook Man -- also not so much.
:)    •    1.08 Bugs -- I like parts of this very well, but not the denouement.
:D    •    1.09 Home -- very nice.  Still baffled why we never meet Missouri again??
:D    •    1.10 Asylum -- awesome.  Love rage ghosts.  Love Kat.  Feel very sorry for Dean when Sam shoots him, but I do understand Sam as well.
:D    •    1.11 Scarecrow -- like this one very well.  Like that Sam comes back to save Dean.
 :D :D   •    1.12 Faith -- Yes of course.  Layla is one of those amazing characters that we remember forever, so much more than "woman of the week."   I love how we get the first glimpse of Sam being completely unable to accept anything less than saving Dean.  And reapers, and Dean in the hoodie of whumpage.  a rightful classic
:)    •    1.13 Route 666 -- I like Cassie!  I like that she is the kind of girl Dean would go for if he could.
o_o    •    1.14 Nightmare --  I have rewatched this very few times. But Sam has powers, which is pretty cool!
:D    •    1.15 The Benders -- I like this because of the lady cop, she is a great character and is one of those women Dean very much respects... cannibal hicks not my favorite trope, but creepily well executed.  And Dean saves Sammy from a cage, which is always a bonus.
 :D    •    1.16 Shadow -- a great one.    This is when Dean breaks my heart begging to be a family again.  Oh Dean!!
 :D   •    1.17 Hell House -- I think it's fun to point out that the Ghostfacers have been around since SEASON ONE.  They are not some kind of brainfart on the part of the writers, or anything like that. They were always part of the show from the beginning, as a balancing meta for the boys.  I love the tulpa and that whole concept.
 :D   •    1.18 Something Wicked, oh man, this is a harsh one, with Dean being left alone to take care of Sammy and blaming himself about the striga, but it has to be considered a seminal ep in understanding what made Dean who he is today.  So let the big happy face at the beginning reflect that this ep is actually a big sad face, but I love it because it makes me care.
:D    •    1.19 Provenance.  Love it.  So sad that Sarah has now finally been killed off. Shipped Sarah and Sam for so long.
:)    •    1.20 Dead Man's Blood, yes, love the way vampires are portrayed on SPN.
o_o    •    1.21 Salvation & 1.22 Devil's Trap -- two of the big canonical eps that don't move me that much.  I'm sorry for John being possessed, idk why, but the first ep of s2 means a lot more to me personally. 

samndean, s1, s10!, spn

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