If you are not voting for Jensen over at the E!online Alpha Male contest, then go do so now!
You can also vote for other awesome men in their Round One contests, including, Jared and Misha, Joel McHale from Community, and Sherlocks Jonny Lee Miller and Benedict Cumberbatch!
Plus there are loads of other favorites that I'm not voting for in round one only because I don't watch their current shows. (It seems wrong to vote for Spader, Fillion, Boreanaz, Spacey, etc if I'm not even currently watching them, but do your thing).
Here is
Dizzojay's awesome link.
YOUR JENSEN NEEDS YOU. She has the best pic of Jensen needing YOU to vote. She coined the phrase BOWLEGGED COLOSSUS of Hotness!
VOTE JENSEN! RALLY ROUND, JENSEN NATION! The Anti-Jensen faction must be shown the error of their ways!!!
http://www.eonline.com/news/524128/alpha-male-madness-2014-officially-begins-vote-in-round-1-now and here is round 2: