[45, 46, 47] Sherlock s1
[48] Movie: Gone in Sixty Seconds
[49] Classic Who: The Ark in Space (Four, Sarah Jane, and Harry)
plus The Borrowers and a Space Station Rat
I successfully ordered the First Season of Sherlock [BBC] through my local library, yay. We liked the first episode very well, especially the unveiling of Sherlock's character to John. I really like Martin Freeman and his chemistry with Benedict Cumberbatch.... I loved Gatiss as Mycroft and the prickly relationship between the brothers. I totally buy the slashiness of the John/Sherlock relationship, and I love how flirtacious Sherlock is with John, always keeping him off balance and invading his personal space. They've given Sherlock a fascinating character; Martin does an amazing job portraying a very bright man struggling to keep up with a Super Genius. So, ep one was a win! eps 2 and 3 not so much. I disliked pretty much the entire Tong ep -- it was Talons of Weng Chiang all over again -- really? in the 21st century? COME ON, PEOPLE. I intensely dislike the Moriarty plot in ep 3 though I did find the crying hostages to be incredibly disturbing and creepy in the way that was intended -- and I loved the end when Moriarty ---SOMEHOW--- got John ... that was awesome, again, in the slashy way. :D I'm eager to learn what happens next and I don't mind being spoiled. :)
We just watched Gone in Sixty Seconds. You know what would have made that movie about 200% better? If Nicholas Cage had played Raymond Calitri and Chris had played the main character. There is really no justice in the acting world. Chris was on fire in the role as Calitri and had just about eight minutes of screen time??? ARGH. I like heist movies and car movies.... Fast and the Furious or The Italian Job are all right by me.... but Gone in Sixty Seconds was pretty flat and unimaginative. The only other highlight is Vinnie Jones as the Sphinx. He is perfect. :D I loved on Top Gear where Chris found out he had come in right ahead of Vinnie in his lap time. He just lit up with happy accomplishment at that! I wonder if they ever hung out during that filming; I kind of doubt it, since they didn't have any scenes together.
We are about half way through the Ark in Space. It is very Classic Who in so many ways. The monster is made of green bubble wrap!!! and wow, I never realized Harry was really that much of a bimbo. :P Sarah Jane also has not had much to do, except scream and faint. But Tom is doing his trademark Four routine, so that is fine. :D
I am reading the Borrowers. Finished the second book, The Borrowers Afield, which I liked very much, and in which the character of Spiller is introduced -- he is more like the Miyazaki version than the recent BBC version. Am now in the middle of The Borrowers Aloft -- which suddenly got rather intense and I had to put it down for a bit! I am "girly" in some ways (but not in others) -- one way I am super girly is that I freaking LOVE to read how they transform their tiny little spaces -- like an old boot -- into a habitat. Flipper = all the way flipped. :D
Also read a very cute book called Space Station Rat, by Michael J. Daley, that I liked a lot. The characterization of the Rat is brilliant. So if you know any kids who like Rodent Stories, I recommend it.
Last but not least : the Walk Five Hundred Miles Challenge.
So a while back the host of the
dt_sexy_off was
apurplepatch and she proposed that with David being so fit he might be good inspiration for a Walk Five Hundred Miles challenge. I decided to give it a go! I am walking every day, and in February I walked 13 miles, but I have already walked that far again in March. It's about a mile and a half / half an hour of walking each day during the week, and more on weekends. Let me know if you'd like to take part in the Walk Five Hundred Miles challenge -- I reckon I'll finish by the late autumn if not sooner!! and then I can get started on Walking Five Hundred More!!