So a while back somebody linked to this awesome thing on the Ellen show where Kirsten Bell totally flipped because her significant other had a sloth brought to their house for her birthday. So we do know that
Kristen Bell LOVES sloths.
So, now,
the Gregory Brothers have autotuned Waiting for a Sloth. It is fantastic. Thanks to
wanttobeatree for linking to this this morning! :D
I love the Gregory Brothers so I am always very happy at their amazing success. I hope Kristen Bell and Ellen and all will share the rights to release this as a download, because it is probably even better than Double Rainbow all the Way.
BTW, they share any proceeds 50% with the original person they've autotuned. Antoine Dodson made quite a bit of money from
Bed Intruder. Wow, I just watched one of the Brothers perform
Bed Intruder on a Japanese stringed instrument. Amazing!!!
Here is the link to Double Rainbow just to be completist. :D Be sure to listen all the way to the end, so you can hear them do it in four part harmony.
Also, if you are interested, Andrew Rose Gregory made a wonderful acoustic album with all songs based on the Song of Solomon. If you are curious what autotune folks do when they compose for acoustic instruments and voice, watch the official video for
Where We Lie Down Our Bed is Green. It involves no autotuning whatsoever! :D