Warning: mildly purposeless ranting ahead.
The ratio of male to female POVs in ASOIAF, excluding prologue/epilogue characters but including all the Dornish/Ironborn chapters, stands at 12:8. In AGOT it was 4:4. A large number of us here feel that GRRM writes at least some of his women very well as women.
So here's the puzzle: why do we know so little about what the male SOs of the female POVs look like naked?
In my opinion, particularly with Catelyn Stark GRRM made one of the best stabs I've seen from a male SFF writer at portraying an adult woman who thinks like an adult woman. But then Cat watches Ned wander around her bedroom dressed in not much when they've just been in bed together... and doesn't think about him in terms of the near-naked chap she's just had sex with. It's as if her sexuality is switched off as soon as her sexual organs are no longer being used.
This goes on and on. Jaime and Brienne share a bath and when she thinks about it later she doesn't apparently remember what he looks like, despite her obvious attraction to him. Dany remembers what Drogo smells like up close, but doesn't think about him physically, even during sexual fantasies - we actually get more details of her own body during these. Arianne, so in tune with her sexuality, doesn't think about male bodies either. Cersei actually provides the only counterexample; when she remembers how much she disliked the look of Robert's body; she doesn't dwell on Jaime's, though, or fantasise about Rhaegar's (only that damned harp and his "sad purple eyes").
There are breasts all over the place in ASOIAF. Big breasts, small breasts, tiny breasts. We even gain clarification on what AFFC-Sansa's are like from comments made by Myranda Royce (props to
redcandle17 for this observation) and on Taena Merryweather's from Cersei's POV. See, women do have an eye for sexual characteristics? But only those of other women.
Sure, call me sensitive. No, in fact, don't. Aside from Arya and - for the first two books - Sansa, the female POVs should have some kind of opinion on what their men look like. That they don't is.... well, men don't always
think about these things.