Men in Westeros

Feb 06, 2008 17:04

We've had a few posts on the women of ASoIaF, but we haven't discussed the men as a whole, which is of itself telling. So, let's talk about masculinity and Westeros.

- Randyll Tarly sends his firstborn son to the Wall (under threat of murder if he refuses to go) for the crimes of not being skilled at arms training and preferring music, dancing, etc.

- When Ser Rodrik refuses to allow Joffrey and Robb to fight with real swords, Sandor tells Robb that he killed a man at age twelve and "you can be sure it was not with a blunted sword." We later see Podrick Payne accompanying Tyrion during the Blackwater Battle and hear of the knights Jossmyn Peckledon killed, which leads us to the conclusion that sending young boys into battle is normal.

- In addition to skill at violence and killing, sex with a woman is also considered part of what makes a man. The rape of the inn keeper's daughter by Gregor and co. was triggered by the soldiers urging Gregor's squire to "take the girl upstairs and make a man of yourself." Even our own dear Jaime seems to take his duty to get his squire laid seriously and advises Peck to have sex with Pia and provides him with the opportunity to do so. Benjen also advised Jon not to join the Night's Watch until he had fathered some bastards i.e. sown his wild oats.

While I'd like to keep this about the content of the books rather than the fandom, I think it bears mentioning that I've never seen anyone really say that it's okay if Sam doesn't become some brave warrior. Even those who aren't disdainful and dismissive of Sam seem to want him to kill his father or otherwise prove himself in precisely the ways that he couldn't for Randyll. This is quite a contrast to the popular view that Westeros should stop restricting women to traditionally feminine roles and allow Arya/Asha/Brienne to do what they want.

So, what are your thoughts on Westerosi views of masculinity and how it impacts the characters and the series?

gender roles in westeros

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