First Snow

Mar 28, 2010 20:26

Pairing: Kyuhyun/Sungmin, slight Simin, slight Sungmo
Genre: Fluff ?

A/N: The title shows what inspired this. I've been writing like four fics but only this one I can finish. Idk why I can't write when I have whole time to T.T~ Forgive grammatical errors? Enjoy :3

POV: Sungmin

I was walking home from school when something cold touched my nose. I looked up to the sky. Ah, it’s the first snow.

First snow doesn’t last long. The snow is fragile. You touch the snow then it soon melts into cold water. Exactly like love, right? First love isn’t meant to last long. The love’s fragile. It quickly fades, falters, and disappears. But it makes us strong. Broken first love prepares us for next love that surely will be more beautiful.

People said that, and I believed in it. I was just broken up with my first love, a week ago. I couldn’t help but wish I could over him quickly and let my real love, whoever he was, to come.

I shook my head quickly, trying to fade him away from my mind. I knew it would be very hard to forget him. I loved Kyuhyun too much that I thought it wasn’t any possible I could get over him. But I knew I had to.


“Sungmin sshi, would you come with me to the Winter Ball?”

I turned, surprised to find Siwon, the school’s president came asking me. I was not really close to him but how could I reject him? He was the most perfect guy in this school!

So I came to dance with Siwon in the ball. Everyone looked at us, all surprised, but later they thought Siwon and I were perfect being with each other, since Siwon was manly and I was cute. I caught one pair of eyes were glaring at us all the time. I gulped. It was him, Cho Kyuhyun. I tried not to care. I even realized, maybe Siwon was my real love?

“Thank you for earlier, Sungmin sshi. It’s very nice to dance with you,” said Siwon when he delivered me home.

“It’s okay. It’s nice to dance with you too.” I gave him my best smile. “But seriously I wonder why did you ask me? We weren’t at all close. And you were the school president while I was no one.” I took a deep breath, preparing myself for confession.

Siwon showed his charming smile. “My friends said you were cute. And I didn’t have any date who was qualified enough.” Siwon answered easily. “You sure are fun and nice. I’d love to hang around you and be friends with you.” So it wasn’t a confession. Somehow I was not really disappointed.

No, Siwon wasn’t at all my true love, I knew it. Because on the next day, what he did was calling me to join his group of ‘famous’ guys at school which consisted of Donghae the most attractive boy, Eunhyuk the best dancer, Kibum the coolest guy, and Eeteuk who was known as the school’s angel. This would only go as friendship.


“Sungmin ah, can you play this song? This song needs two guitarists. I want to practice but no one can play it well enough.” Jungmo came with his guitar and a piece of paper.

“Sure,” I smiled. I took my pink guitar and tested it. I sighed, remembering this guitar was given by Kyuhyun. Then Jungmo and I played the song together, created such an amazing melody. We even sang together in the last refrain.

Everyone in the class clapped when the song ended. They all said that our voiced harmonized so perfectly. But there was a certain person who was glaring at us despite his half-hearted claps. Those angry eyes still belonged to the same person, Cho Kyuhyun.

Why? I asked mentally. Why did he look mad like that? Why did he look jealous and hurt? It was him who left me in the first place. He was the once cheating with Zhoumi!

“Do you have time this weekend, Sungmin ah? I need your help. My uncle has a café and he wants to have audition to find a good musician to play there. I can’t judge on my own. I need your opinion as a good musician too.”

“Have you heard this group’s music, Min? What do you think? Is it better than Depapepe? I have two tickets to their concert. Would you like to go too?”

“Hey Sungmin. Can I ask your help again? I recently love composing songs. But there’s this song that I think lacks in some parts.” Jungmo played a song with his black electric guitar. “See? This chorus is a bit weird. Any idea?”

I happily obliged all his requests. Jungmo was nice and he had vast knowledge about music, especially guitar, which I was always interested in. But then I realized he wasn’t my true love, he couldn’t be. Jungmo and I were connected only by music. He didn’t like making friends. He talked to me only because at school, I was the only musician he looked up to. I wondered if he ever thought about love.


“I heard you are dating Jungmo.”
I frowned. The voice came from my best friend, Ryeowook. “No. We’re just friends.”
“I trust you, Min. I don’t want you two dating either.”
“Why? Jungmo is nice.”
Ryeowook looked at me sadly. “I still wish you and him can be back together at the end.”
“Wookie ah, he’s my first love. They said first love isn’t…”

“…meant to last forever.” Ryeowook continued my words, annoyed. “When will you stop believing that? Yesung IS my first love. Are you saying that we’ll break up one day? No, Min. I know we’ll love each other forever.”

I fell quiet. He was right. “Sure, like the first snow, the love was fragile. Yesung and I often argued for silly things, but it’s okay. Kyuhyun might waver around with Zhoumi now. If you still love him, go for it! Make him your true love, and make him realize that you’re his true love.”

I nodded and smiled slightly. How I wish things would go just as easy as to say it.


“I heard you are dating Jungmo.”

That sentence again… wait… was that…Kyuhyun’s voice? I turned and faced him, surprised. His expression was indescribable. Never once I saw him like that. He looked awful, depressed. I missed him…

“No. Jungmo is just my friend.”
“Don’t lie to me, Sungmin.”
“I swear!”

Kyuhyun sighed. “Why are you like this, Min? You’ve been around those guys and looked like deprived of love or something. First Siwon, then you hung around with his friends too, now it’s Jungmo. Why did exactly you do that?”

“Why would you even care?” I half yelled, offended. “And I’m not at all deprived of love or anything. Siwon was the one asking me out to the ball, I didn’t see anything wrong with making new friends, and Jungmo was the one coming to me talking about music things! You think I’m broken that much after you left and seeking for love like that?” I felt tears on my eyes, ready to fall anytime. Yeah, I was broken so much when you left, but I was not that shallow, Kyuhyun. I had my dignity and I’d find my true love without begging like a slut. My mind continued.

Seconds passed in uncomfortable silence. “I see you’re okay. I see you’re over me, right Sungmin?” His face darkened. “I’m sorry to judge you earlier. I just thought you weren’t. But I’m late, aren’t I? Sorry for disturbing you too. I wish you’re happy, Sungmin. I wish you’ll find your true love soon. You’re right, about first love…”

I finally let my tears fell. “Kyuhyun you idiot! Can’t you let me explain first? Can’t you just let me tell you the truth instead of make your own speculation?!” My sobs were uncontrollable. “I still love you, Kyuhyun. I can’t get over you. Siwon and Jungmo came to my life and I tried to figure out if either one was my true love, but actually neither of them is. It’s only you!”

Kyuhyun only stood there, frozen, so I continued, “Ryeowook made me realize that I was wrong. Even if you’re my first love, Kyuhyun, I could make you my true love. I could make Kyumin forever...”

I felt those familiar arms wrapping my shaking body. “I understand. You’re my first love too, Sungmin. But I could make you my true love too. WE could make Kyumin forever.” He corrected. “I love you, Min. I am sorry, for everything...”

“Kyu, how about Zhoumi?”

“I thought he understood me better than you did. I thought he was my true love, because you were my first love. I blamed your theory, Min,” Kyuhyun pouted cutely. I giggled. “But he didn’t and he wasn’t. My mind is always filled with you from time to time. Seeing you dancing with Siwon burned me, Min. And the fact that my music skill is far below Jungmo’s depressed me a lot.”

“So you won’t go anywhere, right Kyu? I’ve found my true love and I don’t want you go.”

“Of course, Min. I’ll stay with you for eternity. I’ve found my true love too and I won’t let you go.”

I closed my eyes as Kyuhyun’s lips pressed into mine, gently. How I missed his kisses and touches... The snow fell slowly upon us, making everything even more beautiful.

Broken first love prepared us for the next love that surely was more beautiful. People said that, I still believed in it, and Kyuhyun did too. We broke once, but at the end we reunited again. So this love now would be much stronger and more perfect, and lasted forever.


A/N: Comments are highly loved, still, always :D

sungmo, simin, kyumin, oneshot, crossover: jungmo

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