Seven Slides of Memories

Feb 27, 2010 11:34

Pairing: Kyuhyun/Sungmin
Warning: Character Death, many flashbacks that maybe confusing >.<

A/N: It's angst but if you squint hard you can find some fluffs in the memories ^.^ This is inspired by many things like: U-KISS's 'As Long As You Love Me', Kim Taewoo's 'Memory & Memories', a novel 'Bidadari Santa Monica', and Meimei Amma's [Recovered] Document 1. Enjoy~ :3

POV: Sungmin

I opened my eyes slowly. Tears trickled from my eyes as I blinked, trying to adjust to the light. Loneliness met me as I got my consciousness, as I realized that he wasn’t here…

“Your condition has improved, Mr. Lee. You can go home anytime if you feel better,” said the nurse as she checked his health. Has improved? Can’t you see my heart ached and nothing could heal it? My mind screamed. But I nodded. Of course no one would understand.

I got up and cleaned up my things. I even made my bed up because I always liked tidiness. It made nurses surprised at how adorable I was. They said that I was perfect, having a cute, handsome, yet beautiful face, nice personality, and being clean while other men out there playing with sweat and mud. No, they didn’t know anything. I was far beyond perfect. Even if I was, that was because I had him beside me. Without him, I was nothing more than a bunch of pathetic, weak, and incomplete soul.

I bid small goodbye to some nurses whom I got quite close to during being hospitalized. To be honest, I didn’t want to leave. What I wanted really was that my condition got worse and just died there. I wondered why God took his life but refused to take mine as well.

So I walked home. Being in comma for a full one month then being hospitalized for two weeks to recover made me felt a bit strange. Nothing changed in this town, but everything felt different.

When I saw a game station, I frowned as why there wasn’t a hand of one certain spoiled person, pulling my hand childishly to go there with him. When I saw ice cream bar, I frowned as why there was no ‘Hyung, wait for me here! I’ll get some vanillas for you!” being said by that same person.

I laughed bitterly and cursed myself. Why would I ask ‘why’ when the answer was obvious? Kyuhyun wasn’t here…

When I saw autumn leaves were falling, I stood still. It was autumn already?

Memories kept playing on my mind like slides on video. Seemed like it was just yesterday when he asked me out, but actually, it had been a year. It was on autumn days like this, we were at school yard. I just got my graduation’s certificate. Starting next spring I would study in college, while Kyuhyun, who was a year younger than me me, still studied there.

“I don’t want Hyung to go.”
“Oh Kyu, don’t be so childish. You’ll graduate too next year.”
“Means I have to live a year without you? I can’t, Hyung! I love you!”

I sighed. Why could Kyuhyun so easily say love while he was not serious? It hurt because I seriously had a crush on him. I didn’t want to leave either, but of course I had to.

“Hyung, be my boyfriend…”

I constantly blushed. “K-Kyu, don’t joke about something like that.” Honestly I could hear sincerity and certainty in his voice, but I forced myself to distrust him. After all, it was Cho Kyuhyun speaking. He joked around every time, so who will know if he tells truth?

“I’m fucking serious, damn it!” He suddenly cursed desperately. “I really do love you, Sungmin hyung. Can’t you see it? Don’t you ever notice me? Please at least trust me. I’d rather never ever joke anymore if joking just made me lost your trust.”

Hesitantly I stepped closer and reached him to my embrace. “Hyung..?”

“I love you too, Kyu. I’ve taken a liking towards you all this time.” I whispered. “Of course I’d like to be your boyfriend, Kyu. I love you…”

“So even if we go to different school, will you stay hanging out with me?”
“Yeah, I will.”
“You won’t change? Teuki hyung said first year on college would make you pretty busy and a bit pushy over time?”
“Don’t worry, I won’t. If you once notice I’m changing to be one, tell me.”

He leaned down, moving his face closer to me. That day, I got my first boyfriend and my first kiss.

I smiled at our memories’ first slide. It all started sweet. What next?

Winter probably was our sweetest time. We often went out at weekend, either shopped to the mall, just walked around the city, or sometimes we had fun in amusement park or visited places with beautiful scenery. We used those occasions to share problems, to chat about each other’s life.

The second slide reminded me about Christmas. On Christmas Eve, Kyuhyun brought me to the central park, where a huge Christmas tree was displayed and decorated beautifully. There were also many couples too, not only the straight one but also guy couples like us, so it made us less awkward. They played beautiful Christmas songs all the night and Kyuhyun shamelessly sang along with his Godly voice. I joined him too happily. I knew singing was Kyuhyun’s favourite hobby.

Then when the clock hit twelve, he kissed me for the second time, but now much more passionate. Our relationship used to be like ‘afraid that the other is hurt’, but now both Kyuhyun and I decided to just show our love. Our tongues battled in dominance, though at the end I let him exploring every inch of my mouth cavern. Kyuhyun tasted so amazing that I never thought there could be such an addictive thing in this world. His hand slowly slid into my shirt, sending shivers to all over my body.

After few minutes of mouth linking, we finally parted for air. Through eyes we knew we would continue this later at home, on his bed. On this holy night, I finally gave my virginity up to Cho Kyuhyun.

Still on winter, the third slide showed me about my birthday, which was exactly on New Year. On New Year eve, my family made a small barbeque party. Only close relatives who were invited, so the party wasn’t that crowded. I invited Kyuhyun because I heard that my hyung, Jungmo, would bring his girlfriend and my dongsaeng, Sunny would bring her girlfriends, Sica and Fanny. I was relieved that my parents didn’t against my and my sister’s sexual preference, though they were slightly disappointed.

“Min, can we just sneak out from this boring party and let me give you my private birthday present in your bedroom?”
“Kyuhyun! Don’t say perverted things like that here! What if my relatives hear you?”
“Then bring me to your roooommm,” Kyuhyun started to whine.
“Not now, Kyu, it’s still-“
“Alright,” I sighed in defeat. My boyfriend was so childish and spoiled, being the youngest boy in his family. Since he was kid, he always got anything he wanted. Seriously I wanted to stop that bad habit, but I found myself totally defeated only by his plea. Ugh, I hated myself so much.

Beside getting a birthday sex, from Kyuhyun, I also got a silver necklace with a bunny shaped pendant, which had ‘Kyumin’ name engraved on its back. I loved it so much and wore it everyday, even until now. I carefully touched the pendant. The metal was cold, just like my heart. My already formed tears fell as I closed my eyes, remembering everything.

The next slide came to my vision was Kyuhyun’s birthday, still on winter. In return, I gave Kyuhyun tons of songs, poems, drawings, anything I could make by my own hand, all about him, us, everything. I also baked him a heart-shaped cake with “Saengil chukha hamnida, Kyu. Kyumin forever <3” engraved on the frozen chocolate. I couldn’t help but grin to myself like an idiot, remembering how the cake only looked beautiful on the outside but tasted horrible on the inside. But who cared at the moment? The cake was left uneaten while Kyuhyun and I went out for a date and special dinner.

The fifth slide was still on winter, Valentine’s Day. There wasn’t much happened here on Valentine. We loved each other everyday, no, every second, so Valentine seemed like just an ordinary day. The only memorable thing was only at night, where Kyuhyun brought me to a lake’s bridge and we watched the stars with hot chocolate’s companion.

Surely our memories were sweet. It was purely beautiful, like a snow, dominates the winter but melts when spring comes. I sighed. If only I could turn back the time, everything would be different. I would have replaced Kyuhyun by now, no, both of us would have been alive, were happy together and celebrated our anniversary. But it was only an ‘if’ in second conditional, where in fact it was not any possible for me to be able to.

Spring means new school, parting from Kyuhyun. We might promise not to change or anything but in fact school really kept us busy. Being afar from each other, communicating only through phone, and meeting only in weekend set a distance that was invisible at first but as the time passed showing its appearance. The quality and quantity of texts Kyuhyun sent to me decreased regularly. ‘Every weekend’ slowly changed into ‘sometimes on the weekend’. At one point when I realized this, even holding hands felt awkward.

“Should we take a break, Kyu?”
“Don’t you realize that this brings us nowhere? This relationship is getting colder until I think there will be time where I was like stranger to you and so were you to me.”

Kyuhyun sadly admitted. “But... I still love you. I won’t be able to take it if you go find some other guy and leave me...”

“Believe me I’ll love only you, there’s no place in my heart for anyone else.”

But at the end, Kyuhyun was the one getting another guy, just after a week we take a ‘break’. I regretted saying stupid idea like that. Kyuhyun was a kid, despite his actual age, he acted childish, and that was probably why he took my words as asking for totally break up.

I had tried to be happy for Kyuhyun and Zhoumi but I couldn’t, for I was still alone keeping this now my love, no longer ours.

Spring was a season where flowers bloomed beautifully. But here, my petals of love fell and died. On my sixth slide, Kyumin broke up into just Kyuhyun and just Sungmin.

I stopped my steps in shock. Without realizing, my legs brought me to a place I never ever visited. It was the graveyard, where Kyuhyun was buried.

The seventh slide, or the last slide, was a memory which I wished I had amnesia so I could never remember about. I inhaled deep breath and walked to the graveyard, trying to find where Kyuhyun’s grave was located. I didn’t come to Kyuhyun’s funeral because at that time I was still in the hospital.

I was just back from weekly grocery when I saw him in front of the supermarket. I froze.

“Sungmin hyung...”

“Kyu-Kyuhyun ah...” Kyuhyun no longer called me ‘Min hyung’, so I refused to call him ‘Kyu’ again. “What are you doing here?”

“I... I want you back.” He said straightforwardly. I could see he was scared and guilty.

I stared at him, from head to toe. Kyuhyun didn’t change much in 2 months. Only his appearance now showed more sadness and loneliness than happiness like it used to do. “Why? Did you two break up?”

“Yes but I am the one who dumped him. He isn’t at all like you, Hyung. Mi and I have too many similarities that make us better just be friends, unlike us. Only you complete me, Hyung...” Kyuhyun half pleaded. “Please come back to me, Hyung...”

“Stop being childish, Kyu...hyun! You want me back? You don’t even love me.”
“I do love you! I love you all this time, why can’t you trust me?”
“And how can I do, Kyuhyun? You went to him when I wanted you to wait!”

“Yeah, to wait until you graduated and we could meet each other everyday just like before, so it won’t feel awkward and cold and meaningless like what happened already. I said ‘taking a break’, not ‘breaking up’. And you dated another guy just a week after. Tell me how, how can I trust your said love?!” I screamed, desperate.

And Cho Kyuhyun only stayed quiet, bowed his head like a kid who was scolded by his mother. I saw regret and hurt on those eyes now staring at the ground.

I sighed and ran from him. I was tired and all I needed now was my comfy bed and cool air.

Suddenly I bumped into someone. It was late in the evening and my eyes were teary, maybe it caused my vision blurred. “I’m sorry...”

I looked up to apologize. But I was shocked. The man I just bumped was so scary. He had a big body, tattoos all over his hand, big scary scar on his face that reminded me of Hades King. He looked at me dangerously and before I could react he already dragged me to a quieter street and pinned me on the wall.

“Hey you sweetie. Do you think you can collide me and just go with a ‘sorry’?” I could smell alcohol from his mouth. I struggled hard to escape but he was too strong. I tried to scream but those scary disgusting lips locked mine. His big hand began sneaking into my shirt, caressing my chest and hips.

“KYUHYUNN!!!” I screamed as he released my mouth. I kicked and hit wildly to every direction, but it was useless. So I gave up, shutting my eyes when that big man started to undo my belt, preparing myself for the worst nightmare.

But then the hand stopped. I opened my eyes to see Kyuhyun punched him straight on his face and threw him far to the street.

“Hyung areyoualright?” Kyuhyun hugged me quickly in panic.

“Kyu...” I could only sob on his chest. What if Kyuhyun didn’t come..?

“Everything’s fine, Hyung, I come...” said Kyuhyun, as if answering my mind.

“KYU!!” I couldn’t believe what I saw. That man stood up behind Kyuhyun, lifting up something... was it dagger? And a second later Kyuhyun screamed loudly in pain.

That crazy drunk man stabbed me too and left us alone nearing to die. But I forced myself to get my cellphone and call hospital, despite blood all over my shirt.

“Min..hyung... I do love you please trust me...”
“Stop talking, Kyu. You’re bleeding worse than I am.” I cried. “I’m sorry, Kyu. It’s my fault.”
“It’s not. I’m happy to protect you. I love you.”
“...I know.”
“I never ever love Mi. I just used him to forget you but I can’t.”
“I’ll love you forever.”

Kyuhyun closed his eyes, stopped breathing. I myself lost my consciousness. I thought I would die too, but still I wondered until now, why God took his life but refused to take mine as well.

I sat beside Kyuhyun’s cemetery. Leaves were falling and some landed on it. “Kyu, it’s autumn already. Happy anniversary...” I kissed the gravestone. “Let’s just pretend we never broke up. We’re Kyumin forever, right?” I pulled out the bunny necklace and touched the engravings.

“Thank you for protecting me that day, Kyu. Thanks for loving me this much. I’m sorry I doubted you...” Tears fell from my eyes. “With these memories, I’ll continue living if that’s what you want. And so will I, Kyu, I will love you forever...”

I left the place with a better feeling. Let these seven slides of memory be the sweetest memories, and even if I move on and make new memories, they wouldn’t be replaced.


A/N: Tell me if this fails :P Comments are very much loved~~!

kyumin, oneshot

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