
Feb 05, 2010 21:13

Pairing: Kyuhyun/Sungmin
Other point of view of Letter

A/N: Tell me if this sequel only makes it worse. My brain isn't functioning as well as how it should be

POV: Kyuhyun

Dear Sungmin hyung,

Days felt different since you left. Everything reminded me of you. When woke up, I was sad because you weren't there to wake me up. When I took a bath, I was sad because you weren't there to yell at me for taking too much time to bath. When I had breakfast, I was sad because you weren't there to boast about your cooking. When I sang, I was sad because singing was your hobby too, but now you couldn't sing anymore. Even when I went back to sleep, I was sad because I used to see your face before sleeping, but now I couldn't see you anymore.

I couldn't enjoy anything, Hyung, even Starcraft didn't interest me anymore. I needed only you. I couldn't smile. I couldn't smirk. I couldn't laugh. I lost my wittiness. My condition made the others worried. Honestly, I didn't want them to worry about me. They were already sad enough with you’re leaving. I tried to act, but I failed terribly. Unlike you, I was good only at singing. I wasn't meant to be an actor. Remember our minidrama? They titled me as 'NG King', didn't they?

My life was miserable, until today.

Today's my birthday. This morning Ryeowook hyung came to me and handed a letter. It's your letter. And for the first time since you left, I smiled. Reading your letter, my tears were flowing hard like a river, but my lips were smiling. Reading your letter made me feel as if you were still here with me, but my heart ached as I knew it was just 'as if'.

So here I am now, writing a letter too to reply yours. I know it's useless. You can ask Ryeowook to deliver your letter to me, but unfortunately I don't know any angels whom I can ask to deliver mine to you. I just wish it can reach you, how ever.

About your apologize, well, it's quite shocking to know you can be this honest through letters. You know what, Hyung? I knew you were the one who wet my blanket. I even planned to wet your pink blanket and your bed too as revenge, but my heart didn't allow me. I was too nice to make you shivering on cold. Or more, I couldn't imagine if you switched off the air conditioner and made me sleep in hot humid air. ;P

And to be honest, I was glad you phoned me everyday. You knew I loved you. But yes, sometimes I wavered. In China, far from you, I was lonely. And at that time, Zhoumi came. There were times where I let him hug me, chat in too friendly way... You had the right to distrust me, Hyung, because I didn't deserve your trust. Only when you phoned me, I was reminded that I owned you, and I belonged to only you. So, it's me the one who's sorry for this. Forgive me, Hyung?

I want to say things I'm sorry too. I'm sorry I often made you cry. I'm sorry I often chose Starcraft over you. I'm sorry I wasn't a romantic boyfriend who could make you happy. I'm sorry I didn't even notice that you were sick. I'm sorry I wasn't b your side when you needed me. I'm sorry I wasn't there when you breathed your last air. Shit. Why am I crying too? Seriously Hyung, you didn't know how I felt when I heard you died. My mind went completely blank. I was speechless, but tears kept running down my face. And now I'm crying because I remember that feeling. TT-TT.

About your gratitude, well, I can't help but smiling with teary eyes. If you ask me to write every reason for me thanking you, maybe I can write a book, Hyung.

Thank you, for you were there whenever I needed you. Thank you, for placing me as your priority and choosing me over anything. Thank you, for seeing the true me. Thank you, for giving me comfort. Thank you for loving me and letting me know how to love this deeply. Thank you for being with me. Thank you for coming to my life. (Okay, I copy your words. I'm not as good as you in words. You are a song writer, of course you have your vocabularies, while I'm not D:)

I want to tell you too, Hyung. You're as well so important for me. You are my life too. And when you died, suicide came across my mind a lot of times. I lost my soul, how would I expect myself to live?

You didn't need to remind me. You are older than me but I am more mature than you. I more than know that I will only cause the others more sadness if I die too (especially Wookie. I'm afraid he'll join us to death too O.o).

Yes, I just passed another day without you. I'm not saying I'm okay now, but... I guess I already take my first step to move on. I'm not thinking of looking out for another love. Not even Zhoumi. Let's just see what will happen. I know you're watching over me from wherever you are now :D.

I wish your happiness too, Hyung, forever. You know I can be happy only if you are happy.



A/N: Comments are looooved very deeply ;D

kyumin, oneshot

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