Here's a Ten/Rose layout for anyone who wishes to use it. :)
Layout Style: S2, Smooth Sailing
Account types: Free, Paid
click on the thumbnail for a bigger screen shot.
CSS: Click inside, select-all (CTRL+A), copy (CTRL+C), then paste (CTRL+V). Further instructions below -
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em, i {color: #456169;}
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input:hover, .textbox:hover {background: #333333; color: #676252;}
.quickreply_comment {background: none;}
Directions for use: Go to the
Look and Feel tab of your Journal Display settings and set the layout to Smooth Sailing. Then, under the
Custom Options tab, click on Custom CSS, then copy and paste the CSS codes above there. Make sure you save your changes.
I would suggest having the sidebar at the right. :)
Credits: please credit
fanmedley or
alpenglowe if ever you decide to use the layout. You could put something like "Layout by..." in your
userinfo page.