Dec 08, 2010 17:32
Fanfiction is a transformative art form practiced thoughtfully, critically, and often with great aesthetic mastery by people from diverse backgrounds who share a common fannish interest. Believing that any such endeavor is worth considering with equal care, participants in The FanLit Project seek to produce close readings of fanfiction texts in ways that take them seriously as storytelling within their tradition, and analyze them in ways congruent with their meanings both idiosyncratically and as interrelated parts of the aforementioned tradition.
With these goals in mind, The FanLit Project adheres to these guidelines:
1) Any fanfiction text is potentially worthy of reading closely.
2) Since fanfiction is written by real people with feelings, all perspectives and interpretations shared in this community must be respectful of the writer as an individual and as a member of the larger fan community.
3) In no case shall any text be conflated with its author.
4) Anyone may post a close reading.
5) Any text which is analyzed here must be appropriately referenced and/or linked, so that readers of this comm may have the opportunity to read it for themselves, if they have not already done so.
6) The comments of authors upon their own texts and upon the analyses posted here shall always be welcome.
7) Other guidelines to be added as deemed necessary by the moderator and members of the community.
The FanLit Project welcomes participants from all fandoms or none who wish to read fanfiction thoughtfully.
Come join the fun!
fanlit project,
the jedi code