Hello All -
fanlit_project is pleased to announce that SUBMISSIONS ARE NOW OPEN for its first-ever Special Collection!
What is this?
Glad you asked!
Basically, it will be a collection of meta on fan fiction (much the sort of thing one might post to the comm), gathered conveniently in one place and packaged together, available right here on LJ!
How is this different from what the comm already does?
It's just a way of gathering together more meta from more places and putting it all in one "edition," which will be easily downloadable, via email, and also available as an .html post, here at the comm.
How do I submit?
Email your submissions as .doc or .odt files to fanlit.project at gmail dot com. Deadline is June 15, 2012.
What should I submit?
Submit meta you have written that focuses on one or more pieces of fanfiction. You may also submit something which you have already posted on your own journal, but not something already posted at another comm (we don't want to get into any turf scuffles, here!). If it is something you have already posted, please include a link to your original post, so that we can give credit for that, as well.
Do you have guidelines for length and format?
Length: anything over 500 words (we'll cut you off if you give us the meta version of War and Peace, though).
Format: expect your work to be edited for format (it's the easiest way to keep things consistent). You definitely do need to include the following:
- a link to any and all fics you mention in your meta
- the name(s) of the fic author(s)
- if you use other sources (a book, an essay, whatever), also include, at minimum, the author's name and the title - year of publication/release would also be ideal
If you want the chance to check over your work before it is compiled into the final copy, please indicate this in your submission email. You may choose to withdraw your submission at that time. (Expect the final copy to come out ~June 30th.)
Does it have to be academic?
Not in the scary sense! Just follow some obvious rules: only submit your own work, let readers know if you are quoting somebody, and be respectful of fic authors, meta readers, and anyone whose opinions may differ from yours!
Who can submit?
Anyone! Include "meta collection" and your LJ username in your email subject heading - and share with friends! The more the merrier!
If you have questions, concerns, suggestions, or other input - please leave a comment on this post.
Let the fun begin!