Jan 03, 2006 21:27
Christmas was quiet here, not much stress since we had little money... We didn't bother trying to compensate for any feelings of any kind with lavish presents we could not afford. We got everyone some small and Devon a decent present. Then Christmas
Eve I put in a call to my Mom. Julie said she was having a good day. She talked to me which is always hard. She knows I am the mother of her grandkids, just cant seem to remember who I am. (no she doesn't have althimerz, but some of the symptoms are the same as those.) Charlie talked to her, he wanted to and though he wasn't prepaired for how different she was he handled it ok. She insisted on speaking to the other kids.
By that time Tiff had already locked her self in her bedroom and wouldn't come out. (and it was her house) Devon was there and took the phone but only kept it a few minutes before handing it back and starting to cry silently. I finished the conversation and said good bye. While Charlie tried to consoul Devon I went looking for Tiff. Got admitted to the room and she talked about how when My mom had been in the hospital in Iowa city and Tiff (who lives in the area) had done the daily visits so she would always have someone from the family stopping there. Well in that time period My mom went through a violent stage and had hit Tiffany a number of times. She couldn't bring herself to speak to mom, not because she was hurt by her physicaly, but because she had to see what we saw but kept away from our other children.
While spouses and significate others sat out in the living room the 4 of us cryed and dealt with loosing someone who isn't dead but isn't who they were.
It is diffulicate to loose someone you love to mental illness. I consoul myself knowing in her mind she is happy.