Chap 11 somewhere before Vanille's break down.

Mar 09, 2012 19:02

((OOC: Sometime after chapter 10/in chapter 11?))

Who: Fang & Vanille.
What: Late night stroll.
Where: Gran Pulse, not far from camp for the evening.

Fang was sick of the whining, the bellyaching and the numerous mentions of Gran Pulse being called 'Hell'. She'd all ready told the old guy off once for it and while she'd been tempted to tell off the boy, she'd refrained. Hope was young, he didn't know any better and his comment had come earlier on, when she was just simply thrilled to be back. So thrilled that she could afford to ignore a comment or two. However, that time had passed, Gran Pulse was home and it was good to be home, but time was still short and they didn't know what they were supposed to be doing still. The others had come up with some hair brained scheme shortly before leaving Cocoon about fighting against their focus. She'd... lost her cool on them in that instant.

While Fang didn't know what Oerba looked like, what had happened to it in the time that her and Vanille had slept... There was this sinking gut feeling that kept tugging at her more and more. She'd always cared for Vanille more than the rest of the village but if no one they knew was left there... Well, it just meant Vanille might be the only one left. From comments she'd picked up while on the Lindbulm, it seemed like a long time had passed between the war of Transgression and the time they were currently alive in. Did Vanille know that? It ate away at her a little. Fang didn't want to be the one to crush Vanille's hope or calm, especially when there was so little to be hopeful for at this point. Clearly they both knew something was up due to the condition of the temple that they'd awoken in but... This was a mess.

At least the group hadn't seen her willingness to fight them as a betrayal. They way they had acted didn't make it seem like they had. She was still trying to be a little careful about that though most of the time she'd appear unconcerned by all of it. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer was the saying and it was one Fang wasn't about to let die either.

However, she'd needed time away from the group. Vanille cared about all of them, so she would too but all their commentary and crazy ideas still was enough to annoy anyone from time to time, even someone as unconcerned with the little things in life as Fang. So she'd wondered off some. Not far, but far enough that the crackling fire and commentary had dimmed in the distance behind her. With the mess of the brands still not resolved she worried for Vanille constantly, but tried to never show it. They did still have time. She'd found that out when she checked Vanille's brand. The question was how much time.

Fingers hung low, absently brushing against various shrubbery before being brushed against the pad of her thumb. It was good to be home, where they had been... Smelled. It was noisey. She couldn't explain it but there was just this constant unclean smell that hung in the air. Obviously no one else noticed it, except maybe Vanille, due to those things being the smells and noises they had always known.

Now though, now was nature, now was clean, even the dirt felt cleaner then the dirt... grime almost, of Cocoon. It wasn't synthetic and manicured, it was natural, organic. Real.

Eyes narrowed slightly as something up a head came into a shadowy view, it was hard to make out due to the lack of light but Fang was fairly certain she knew what it was. A hand fell back so that fingers could brush against her spear regardless though. You could never be too careful.

"Vanille? That you?"
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