ToM: The Beginning Is in There Somewhere...

May 06, 2009 19:39

How do you find the beginning of your novels? How do you know where to start them?

Trial and error.

I don't outline, and when I start a book, I have only the vaguest idea of where I'm heading. The combination of those facts means I find the beginning of a story by starting it. A lot. I write a lot of wasted words in the early stages of a book- sometimes it's just a few pages. Sometimes it's upwards of 25,000 words.

Trying on beginnings sounds like wasting time, I know. And I've been known to procrastinate. But all those opening pages- whether I use them or not- teach me about the universe. They help me find the narrative voice, and the characters' voices.

Even though the process- in the midst of it- is frustrating, it's scouring around to find the beginning that often shows me how the book will end. And in the meantime, I end up with a lot of pages and... well, a lot of doodles:

And who couldn't use more half-written expositions plastered in semi-anime girls?

-Saundra Mitchell

saundra mitchell

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