I read
this really amazing story last night, which is all about Brendon finding a new family and it was awesome. I stayed up really late reading because I just had to finish. I haven't read the first part, which is all about MCR as street kids adopted by Brian, but the kid versions of MCR are so adorable I'm going to read it even though I don't know enough about MCR to be reading fic about them. I mean I love The Black Parade and LOTMS, I just haven't reached that point of obsessiveness about them where I watch tons of videos and read interviews, etc. I just enjoy their music. But oh man. I can feel it creeping up.
But since I haven't read the first part of the story I am missing big chunks of backstory and my brain did that weird hiccup thing that happens to me sometimes when I read something that's not finished or resolved in some way. I basically dreamed about Frank and Gerard all night long. I kept waking up, because I don't sleep well when I mess up my sleep routine even the slightest and I stayed up way too late last night. And every time I woke up I was dreaming of Frank. I don't even know enough about him to dream about him WTF brain? I guess I just made shit up.
Anyway. I'm going to try to go to the Dallas, TX Fall Out Boy date. It's looking good, I got the time off approved (it's only one day, thank god the concert is on a Friday for once!) and it doesn't interfere with school, and my friend and her daughter are going with me so I don't have to drive alone. I'm excited! I never thought I'd get to see FOB live, they haven't played anything but secret shows since I started following bandom. I know this is a long shot, I'm the only gay eskimo in my tribe, but if anyone is going to this date and wants to say hey, give me a comment.