I really liked it. I wasn't expecting a masterpiece, but I was expecting: a) gory battle scenes, 2) gorgeous hard bodies, 3) awesome special effects. And I wasn't disappointed. I was entertained for two hours, and that's what matters. Stuff I liked:
Persian messenger guy says something like: why is this woman daring to speak to me, a man, with my manly penis?
Spartan Queen: Because only Spartan women give birth to real men.
I don't think I've ever seen an elephant driven over a cliff into the ocean before.
While watching the fighting, I kept thinking that the Spartan soldiers made the Uruk-hai look like a bunch of pussies.
Of course, it being a Hollywood movie with an R rating, there had to be a rape scene. But I was glad to see the Queen gutted the fucker. That part rocked. This will not be over quickly, and you will not enjoy it. I shall use that in casual conversation someday soon.
I walked out of the theater feeling like I should go to war. And say cool things like we shall fight in the shade! This is Sparta! Nice!
I probably won't see it again, until it comes on cable, but I'm glad I went. There were lots of washboard abs to drool over. Yum.
ETA: fixed a couple of typos