You know, Drusilla doesn't actually have brown eyes. Her eyes are blue. Really. Take a look at Fool for Love or Darla and check it out.
Fanon is a funny thing.
I'm trying really hard to avoid fanon in my writing. It's insidious. It sneaks up on you and next thing you know you're writing about Master vampires and childe with an 'e', and Spike calling Xander "whelp", none of which is canon. I'm still trying to decide if Xander calling Willow "Wills" is canon or fanon. I've never noticed it, but I'll admit I haven't done a search and find in every single transcript for the word "Wills" like I did "whelp". Yes, I did that. I'm not proud, just very, very silly.
It's not that I dislike fanon. I rather like some of the vampire lore that fans have created for the show about bloodlines and Masters and childer. If well done, it can be lots of fun, and it helps makes sense of some of the holes left in canon by TPTB. Joss and company weren't as interested in the vamps and telling their backstories as we are, so I understand where it's coming from.
And I'm going to talk about the newest Spike: Asylum comic now
I can't decide if cutting off the vamp face and pulling out their fangs would work or not. It seems like a vamp should be able to heal from that and be good as new. But am I being blinded by fanon? I've read stories where Angelus pulled Spike's fangs out, or all of his teeth for that matter (good times! LOL) and they grew back. Why wouldn't they? Spike's broken bones healed after Buffy dropped an organ on him. It took a while, but he did. (I've never been able to decide if he had a broken spine, or broken legs or pelvis or what. But I'm assuming something was broken enough to put him in a wheelchair for several weeks.) But Spike in Spike: Asylum seems a bit worried about having the extreme makeover. I don't consider the comics canon, but the writer is a former Buffy show writer, right?
Isn't my icon the cutest thing ever? Thank you
Edited to correct my own canon mistake, :D
ETA: More stuff about Spike and vamp healing under cut.