bar fight

May 06, 2006 11:49

Not that I paricularly remember all of last nights occurences. I was dd but that does not mean I had not lost my mind.
So here is the bar fight story to refer people to so that when they ask, "how was your night last night?", they can read this posting.

Bryana, Jess, Elaine, Steph, and myself went out to the bars last night. Thid would be the first time I had ever gone out to the bars with them ('cause I don't go out to bars). We went to Micawber's?, the blue stone, and then micawber's again. We wanted to go back to Micawber's because Marcus was very nice and kept giving out all these free shots.

By the time we had gotten there and sat our tushes down in the back everyone had realized they were already too smashed to get another drink, and we all looked tired. Bryana went to go use the bathroom and Jess ran off with her sort of not boyiend over in a corner. Bryana got back, and we decided it was about time to go. We just had to wait for Steph who had to wait in the line to use the bathroom.

We decided it would be best to collect Steph and then go to Sammy's for some pizza. Just then Jess (I think it was Jess) runs over to us as we're waling in the direction of the bathroom.

"Steph is in a fight at the bathroom with another girl!"


We got over to the bathroom and there was steph, standin in the doorway to the bathroom, screaming at some girl who was standing in the bathroom with another girl. This girl is screaming back, throwing her hands in the air, cussing, and saying things like "god, why you actin' like you want to make out with me in the bathroom" or something along the lines of making out in a bathroom. And steph has this look in her eye like she's gonna start punching soon. They start shoving at each other and everyone is like "omg what do we do?"
Nobody knew what to do so nothgin was being done and pretty soon some bone breaking was goig to occur, so I stepped in between steoh and the girl. I try and push Stpeh into the bathroom, since she has to use i anyway, and get the other girl the hell away from there.
Steph is safely in the bathroom and the other two girls who were standing in the bathroom together are now in the back of the bar. Problem solved.

We start mving towards the front of the bar to go outside and wait for pizza. Stpeh barrels out of the bathroom and we're like "come on steph let's go get pizza"
Stpeh walks towards the back of the bar going on and on about finding this girl. She finds her sure enough and some more words are thrown. Finally Stpeh just pushes the girl over real hard and walks away. The girl topples over and slams hard into some atble and it looks like she is really hurt cause she's was having some trouble getting up, but she was very ipsy. Hre friend starts walking towards the frint of the bar and I'm like "I'm sorry. I don't exactly know what's going on. That isn't like Steph." And the girl is reasonable enough but still angry. "She's your friend? That wasn't right of her to do that. I need to go talk to her" and She walks towards the front.

Steph is outside. I think the other girls are still looking for her. The one girlk she pushed over finally stands up and starts walking to the door. I intercept her.

"Hey, I'm sorry. I don't know what is going on, but this is not like Steph, She doesn't act like this. She's not herself. She's a little tipsy. You should probably just let this drop." and so on and so forth,s omthing to that effect
The girl is like "Youbhave two mintes to go out there and get her away from the bar or I'm gonna kick her ass"

Alright this girl is skinnier then me. A little asian type toothpick. Stpeh, meanwhile, has some meat on her. She could snap this girl in hlf. So I have to get Steph awy form the bar befre this girl gets herself killed. I thank her for not just walking straight out there to start something worse.

Okay I'm outside and the other girls, elaine and bry are starting to file outside. I think jess was already there trying to reason with steph.

I get to steph and she is like "what did she say to you"
I try to get Stpeh to walk further away from the bar and she's like" stop touching me! Get your hands off of me!" and getting really pissed off.
I'm telling her that the girl is gonna come out and start something and she is saying "I could kill her. She's so small I could break her in half" and stuff to that effect and I'm telling her "Yes! I know that! That is why you should leave. You don't need to hurt her"

But you can't reason with stubborn drunk people, esopecially when they have been wronged.

Well I gave up n steph, because I know when things are not going to go somehwere. Elaine neede to pee really bad anyway. So jess and bry stay with steph to try to convince her to get out of this mess, and I take elaine to the bathroom at blue stone, hoping that when I get back the whole thing will be resolved.

But I get back and it is not. I'm just impatient and fed up with the whole thing and I'm thinking "Just leave steph there and let her learn when she gets arrested" But everyone else is a lot nicer then I am and we stand there for about five more minutes trying to convinceher to go get pizza with us. She is determined to stay. She says she won't hurt the girl. She just wants to "scare her". Right. Well finally we decide to go get pizza and go to Gino's and we tell STpeh to meet us there when she decides she wants to drop this whole thing.

We're in Gino's for about ten minuets. The bars have gotten closed for about five now. I finally hear from Jess why this whole thing started. Apprently Steph had been wainting for a long time outside the bathroom while these two girls wrere in it, so she starts knocking on the dor and telling them that there is a line of people who need to use the bathroom. Well the one girl opens the bathroom and pulls Steph's nose really hard? And then the fight broke out. Jess and elaine gathe a theory that the girl was maign out with her girlfriend in the bathroom when steph interrupted, which kinda bothered them,a nd could exaplin all the yelling about making out.

Steph finally walks into Gino's. She doesn't have a bruise on her face. There's no blood. Thank god!

But it sin't over. Steph tells us the first version of the storu. The girl walks out of the bart and immediately wants to start something right there in front of the bar. Steph isn't that stupid and says they should take it around the corner,just the two of them, none of her buddies. So they go around the corner. The girls is telling steph how she's fron the ghetto of newburgh...Now this is funny, because I pass newburgh on the way to ct. It is right near the ct and ny border. Whatever ghetto they have is probably paved in diamonds. Steph was laughing at this cause the girl is telling her this in her gucci shoes.

Well the girl starts throwing punches. Steph is saying how she doesn't wanna start anything, she just wants an explanantion for the nose pulling thing. Well this homeless guy starts to get between the fight and the other girl is still throwing punches and telling her to start something. Steph said the punches were like fly swats. Anyway she grabbed the girl by the head, pulled her down to the ground, and the girl started crying. Steph says "And now this fight is over" and walks away as the homeless guys comes over to comfort the other girl.

This was the first version in which steph did not get physical. As the conversation went on we found out that she pushed the girldown a couple times and even slapped her in the face. But that was not very relevant.

We get out ogf gino's and everyone is paranoid that this girl called the cops on steph, but i figure the girl was probably ashamed enough. She didn't need to drag the cops in it. She's fron the ghetto anyway. I'm just paranoid they'll see us get into my car and then destroy my car. But I am a freak when it comes to my pimp mobile.

I drop steph off and then we get back on campus. The girls are saying how this has never happened before and this is not a normal bar night. But that was okay. It was interesting at least.

And that is the story
The end
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