Finished Birthday Crown, originally uploaded by
Parker is turning 1 year old on Wednesday, I still can't believe it. I had all sorts of grand plans for her birthday but due to the fact that she doesn't nap 5 hours a day, most fell by the wayside. But this...the birthday crown from Amanda Soule's book The Creative Family was THE MOST IMPORTANT thing to me to make for her. I am so happy that I was able to actually get it made and I love how it turned out. I still remembered how to thread my sewing machine and I figured out some tricky (for me anyway!) felt piecing. There is one flower (very lopsided and Schoolhouse Rock-ish) for 1 year and the crown is meant to grow with her (for a few years at least) and I'll add a new flower each year.
I spent a couple different days cutting the felt pieces, but somehow I managed to sew the entire crown yesterday afternoon and evening. Parker took a long nap, Daddy helped watch her a bit and I finished the rest after she went to bed.
Yay for me! Hee!