What a week!

Mar 23, 2008 22:57

Monday night we got our Irish on with lamb stew from Whole Foods, Guinness and my old videotape of Riverdance. Parker was almost Parker Madailein - woulda covered all our bases heritage -wise!

Tuesday - can' t remember - Parker had a cold though. :o(

Wednesday was our 3rd anniversary.  Since this week was already so insanely busy, we celebrated low-key by snuggling on the couch watching our wedding video and eating this amazingly delicious pizza. (We used a whole wheat Boboli for the crust) We're hoping to go out next week or so on a REAL DATE with a babysitter and everything.

Thursday - Holy Thursday at the Shrine - trickiest mass of the week babysitting-wise.  Our friend Carrie stepped in at the last minute and Parker and I both survived.  Terrible timing with mass right during her normally scheduled last feeding and bedtime.  A little nervewracking for mommy...

Friday - Good Friday mass at the Shrine.  Joelle's (Alto 1) mom babysat for us there - good grandma practice for her as Joelle is pregnant! Not so nervewracking as they were reading the Passion and I could duck out to feed Parker if need be.

Saturday - A nice day spent catching up on things around the house while Joe ran errands with Parker.  That night was Easter Vigil - absolutely beautiful mass.  Picture 2,000 + people in a darkened cathedral, all holding lit candles. Even better? I broke my Haec Dies curse!  Overcame an incredibly frustrating mental block that caused my brain to fritz out at a certain spot only in horrifically exposed public performances, but never in rehearsal.  At this mass the choir is accompanied by a small orchestra - always a treat.

Sunday - Easter Sunday - another 2000-3000 people and beautiful spring flowers everywhere. Verified that my Haec Dies curse was still successfully broken.  No sign of Fred Phelps anywhere - maybe he got stuck in church traffic.  Ha!

Somehow we also pulled off Easter Dinner with Mimi and Pop-pop after church.  A delectable glazed ham from Publix, sliced sweet potatoes roasted with olive oil and herbes de provence, and steamed asparagus drizzled with olive oil and sea salt. We snacked beforehand on herbed Fromage d'Affinois, Irish cheddar cheese and grapes.

Parker enjoyed an Easter dinner of peas & brown rice with sweet potatoes mixed in followed by some warm milk.

Happy Easter and/or Happy Spring everyone!

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