Today sucked. Insert rant about how people are MASSIVE assholes this retail season-- worse than in previous years, and I've worked Christmas at Hallmark five out of the last six Christmases-- and how nine hours on a seriously gimpy knee= hell.
But then I came home. And found out that, on today, November 5th, the official start of the Lucius Malfoy Big Bang... the mods posted MY (!!!!!!!) story (
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3
happy day. I was freaking out about the artses/epistolary (I frikken hate epistolary. It's so BORING. And I wrote one. Lolz), but the reviews are beautiful. And remind me that I enjoy writing sometimes. You know. When I've actually FINISHED the actual work (lolz)
(ahahahahahaha I keep thinking that the LBB mods/fans/etc will shun and kick me out of the Lucius fandom for the tone I wrote the story in XD It's just... having seen the beautiful portrayal of Lucius's character in DHpt2... It's hard for me to take Lucius seriously anymore. He's pretty and evil and absolutely lovely, but canon!Lucius, as depicted SOLELY from JK Rowling, is a man I'd like to punch. I have little respect for him)
(... but that's not to say that I don't absolutely ADORE him in fandom. Fandom does a beautiful job redeeming him)
(squee. My LBB fic started out the official LBB postings <3 <3 <3 <3 <3)
(I need to go to bed. My knee is killing me and I have to work tomorrow)