Nov 01, 2011 22:49
Hello, November! Hello, NaNoWriMo! Shall I be participating?
... probably not. When I participate in these Things, when I force myself to use a deadline and word count, I ultimately fail.
In other news, I made Amberly sit down with me to create realistic bucket lists. On mine, I have bungee jumping, sky diving, swimming in another ocean that doesn't connect to the US east coast, storming The Bastille, and trying to run into Platform 9 3/4s. Also on there is to write a book-- even if it doesn't get published, just to say I'd written it-- and to have my name published somewhere official.
... The seriousness was then offset by me doodling a picture of myself in a honeybadger costume. I'd also totally make a honeybadger costume but I hate furries so, so, so incredibly much. I'd have to wear a sandwich board sign--
"I'm not a furry. I just think the honeybadger needs more recognition for being truly badass."
(I also drew a picture of the comma fairy, and alternatively, a comma ~fairy~)
I need to go to bed. I also need to start saving my money better. I'm supposed to be building up my savings and so far, I've just been building up "the shit I do with the money I've made" list
i needed a kamberly tag so here,
bucket list,