good news: I finally started noticing my clothes fitting looser. YAY! The dieting/exercise regime is working!
bad news: It's not my jeans that fit looser. It's my bras. Namely my strapless ones, which are the most useful, and used to fit perfectly... and now, keep feeling like they're sliding down.
Lovely. Nice to know my chest will be the first to go. And I'm particularly "rage face!" (
http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/img-thing?.out=jpg&size=l&tid=16288275) over the fact that, of everything I'll need to replace, bras are one of the biggest necessities... and the most expensive.
I'm going to try and shrink them before tossing them. Letting them soak in hot water, and then washing them on hot. It sometimes works for shirts, so it might for this... hmm...
(((Super-exhausted, but running off of two cups of highly sugared diner-coffee. Which means coffee strong enough to strip wallpaper)))