Mar 16, 2011 16:21
Somebody want to tell me how "a bit of a sniffly nose" can turn into "You've got strep throat. Enjoy that fever. And coughing so hard, you vomit. Also: forget about sleeping"
Last night, I finally had to cave and get help from the family. I'm a bit... delusional? right now. It makes it hard to take medicine, let alone function. My brother helped me last night when my fever REFUSED to go down-- it stayed at 101.5 for two hours? three?, and today, my dad took me to the doctors-slash-the grocery store because there was no way I could drive myself. Which means he ended up translating English into a simpler form of "Kim-Speak" when another fever broke and my brain shut down and stopped computing the English language. I just sat there in the bakery, looking at the croissants, and the baker was asking me questions that were NOT computing. I finally had to tell her, "I'm sorry. I'm so far gone with medication and fever that I don't know what you're saying" and let my dad take over (turns out it was "Were you looking for more croissants?")
I'm still computing in Kim-Speak, and I'm on enough medication right now that it's still amusing in a sad way. People kept asking me questions that I couldn't answer-- "Your name?" "Date of birth?" "Do you still live at..." "Who is your insurance provider?" I bet this is how Luna Lovegood feels most of the time.........
(note: this entry was super fun to self-edit -_-)
EDIT: another massive fever on the rise :(