happy Valentine's Day!

Feb 14, 2011 15:29

So. Another Valentine's Day post your f-lists will have to suffer through. But what's that? I'm SINGLE, but I'm STILL WISHING PEOPLE HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY?!?!?!?!?!?!

Seriously, people. Get over it. This comic pretty much sums up my feelings:


The people who are all, "I'm going to rub my happy relationship in your face!" are just as annoying (one girl I know has been married two years now and left a FB status, "lolz happy singles awareness day! that's what i called it back in high school" and I'm like, "Oh, real mature. It doesn't bother me, but good job rubbing your happiness in other people's faces), but if you're lucky (meaning you didn't accept every friend request you ever got on Facebook), they're more rare than the bitter, "I HATE HALLMARK/THIS DAY/HEARTS/ETC!!!!" people out there.

Hallmark is not to blame for Valentine's Day's popularity. They cator to the market, which cators to the demands of the people, and it's the PEOPLE who buy into it. They're the ones who run around crazy, "MUST. GET. PRESENT."

That, and I know the "I HATE V-DAY GRAAAAAR!" people are, 9/10ths of the time, going to be hypocritical and support the day once they're in a relationship for it. They go from "I hate Valentine's! I hate the people who support it! What a waste!" to "Ohmigod my snookyums got me chocolate and a teddybear!!1 I'm so lucky to have him in my life and I'm glad V-Day lets me tell him that!"

So thank you, everybody on Facebook, for your various status for the day. But can you keep your disgustingness (ether disgusting relationships or disgusting bitterness) out of my life? Kthnx.

soapbox, bitching, facebook

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