
Jan 14, 2005 12:19

Well then...I haven't updated this thing in a while, but I wanted to say that w00t! Today's my birthday and I am 19 year old *nods* It really isn't anything different from being 18...except that you can have alcohol, but I don't even drink alcohol because I seem to have developed a taste-aversion against it (ie. gag reflex).

I was talking to Rae about me turning 19 before when we were Christmas shopping and it went a little like this:

Rae: So...what should I get you? How about a male stripper!^__^
Leina: Noo... -.-o
Rae: Oh oh!! A cowboy! I'll get you a cowboy *grins brightly*
Leina: ...X__x Really, you shouldn't.
Rae: How about a cowgirl? *winks* ;D
Leina: Nooooo >_<
Rae: *sighs*
Leina: ....I want two cowboys.
*classic pause, followed by insane laughter*

I'm too easy to please X_x But yeah, I highly doubt anything like that would happen because.. where would we put these cowboys? ~_^

Besides that, I got Kara and Rubi-chan's giffies in the mail yesterday!! ;__; <--so happy *sparkles* Rubi-chan got me all this yummy beyblade stuff *pokes her for getting me back into Zeo* And these two really pretty cards and this cute little teddy bear that I named Ai ^_^ Well, Ai-kun *winks* Kara got me a bunch of girly things *laughs* you know, jewelry and make up XD Which I do adore! I'm wearing the necklace right now! So pretty ;___; And she printed out her new pic of Ilya/Pierre for me ;___; Ahh... I love those two more than anything, really. Then this morning, Lester was supposed to meet me half an hour before class, but we didn't know where to meet.. so it ended up being last minute X_x Apparently, he got me a happy birthday balloon but he played with it and it floated to the ceiling of the student lounge area X__x *laughs* But then he got me this Sasuke figure thing and Naruto cards ;___; I can't believe that... because he only knew I liked Sasuke because he saw me looking a picture of him once! And he also put one of those candle things on my desk and *tried* to light it for me *laughs* I ended up doing it, but it was still sweet ;___; Cha.... I'm really touched right now. Not by the gifts exactly; just knowing that people would go through the trouble of doing these things ;___; I'm very very thankful.

Ah, and just because I can... here's the Ilya/Pierre fic I wrote for Kara's Christmas pressie ^_^ It makes me so happy ;__; Well, they make me so happy!

Title: Just Like That | Mirror
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Romance
Summary: Due to a raging winter storm, Pierre ends up sleeping over at his best friend’s house on Christmas Eve. After an intense talk about Greek mythology, he begins to realize just how unorthodox his relationship with Ilya is. [One-shot fluffy shounen-ai]

*points up* Ilya's then one with red hair and Pierre is with green hair ^^o I have more pics... but they're at home and I'm at school right now @__@ Honestly, I'm too obsessed for my own good ^^o
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