I'm in need of a distraction ^^

Nov 11, 2004 09:14

Well, I nearly failed my midterm and it pulled my mark down like a b*tch, and thus I filled out a survey to get my mind off of it XD

1. What do people tend to label you as [i.e., prep, trendy, punk, goth, skater etc]: A fangirl? *laughs*

2. Do you choose to label yourself [if you do, what as?]: A fangirl, particularly, a yaoi one XD

3. Describe your dress sense: Jeez, whatever is comfortable ~_^ It depends on where I’m heading too.

4. What are you wearing right now: An orange sweater, baby blue track pants and a jean-ish hat

5. What jewellery are you wearing: A watch and a wooden-cross necklace ^^o

6. What are you most known for wearing: My orange sweater probably XD

7. Do you belong to a particular clique? Clique…? Crazy yaoi anime fangirl clique maybe? XD

8. Friends wise - do you hang around with people who dress the same as you? All my friends dress differently O.o

9. What particular clothes style do you hate and why: Isn’t this the same as “dress sense”? Mreh, comfortable stuff.

10. Describe your hair: Straight, shoulder-length, bangs

11. Do you take pride in your appearance? When I’m not being lazy ^^o

+ The opposite sex.

12. Would you say you were straight, gay or bi? Depends on my mood! Naw actually… hm…I don’t think I’d fit into any of those categories properly, but I’d be closest to being straight ~_^

13. What is your attitude to gay relationships if you’re straight? Jeez, I’m an official yaoi fangirl O.o I love boy-boy action!!

14. Do you know anyone who is gay or bi? Of course

15. Who? There’s too many now @__@ How did that happen? XD

16. Have you ever had a sexual experience with someone of the same sex? What exactly do you mean “sexual”? If you’re talking about having anything to do with sex, then no. If you’re talking about random fooling around, then sure. Doesn’t everyone? O.o

17. Are you currently in a relationship? Not that I’m aware of.

18. If your answer is no - do you want to be? Relationships are confusing and make my head hurt XD

19. Do you have a specific type in guys (or girls)? Possibly, I guess.

20. What kind of people will you NOT go out with? The one’s that I don’t like XD

21. What kind of people would you LOVE to go out with? Um…someone equivalent to Takao’s Kai XD

22. Do you have crushes [if so, who are they-describe]? Like now? No XD

23. What song makes you feel most romantic? Jeez O.o Er…All My Life, but there really are a million ^^o

24. What’s your age limit (you won’t go out with people older than…)? I’ll tell you when I’m put in that situation ~_^

25. Would you go out with people younger than you? Of course, why not?

26. Are you in love? Naw.

27. Have you ever been in love with someone who wasn’t available to you? I’m not sure…I wouldn’t exactly call most of what I’ve experienced “love”

+ Music

28. What song are you listening to now? Nittle Grasper - Shining Collection Live

29. Name 6 of your favourite bands and singers: w-inds, michelle branch, and various artists from animes ~_^

30. How often do you listen to music: Whenever I can ^^ Usually on the computer, when I’m in bed or when I’m leveling up and I can’t stand the battle music anymore XD

31. How would you describe your music taste: Lots of variety XD

32. Is the music you like a strong representation of you and your personality? I don’t think it is…O.o

33. Can you sing, or are you in a band? I sing in a choir, but that doesn’t mean I can actually sing sing XD

+ Favourites

34. Favourite Films [list a minimum of 3]: All the Inuyasha movies ^_^

35. Favourite T.V shows [list 3]: Beyblade, Naruto, and Inuyasha

36. Favourite Drinks [list 3]: Water, orange juice and random fruity drinks XD

37. Favourite Ethnic Food [don't just put down "Chinese".. what specifically..]: I don’t know the names of the ethnic foods that I eat X__x

38. Favourite Snack Items [list 3]: Fruits and junk food XD

39. Favourite Books [include authors]: I don’t really read much… X_x And I can’t remember book titles wekk ^^o

40. Favourite Drawing Medium [ie. pencil, pastels, conte, charcoal]: If I could properly drew, then I’d say a mechanical pencil @__@

41. Favourite Cereals [list 2]: Corn pops! ^_^

+ Family & Friends

42. Do you have a big family? I don’t think so.

43. Who are you closest to? Literally, my mom. Emotionally, my dad.

44. Do you get on better with your mum or your dad? Dad.

45. Do you get along with your siblings? I’m an only child XD

46. Who lives with you? My mom.

47. Are your parents divorced? No.

48. One best friend or a lot of friends? Hm…Kim and Lisa ^_^ And a bunch of good friends too, which is really nice =)

49. Who was the last friend you hung out with, and what did you do? Um… Colleen and Adrienne (sp?). We watched Gackt and w-inds XD Oh, and read random yaoi-ish books ^^o

50. Who was the last friend you chatted with on the phone? Probably Kim XD

51. Is there one particular thing you can do with one friend that you can’t do with any of the others? Hell yeah XD

52. Who can you tell all your secrets to? Lisa and Kim. They know everything about me O.o

53. Who was the last friend you were annoyed with and why? Kim, probably because she was being b*tchy XD You know I still love you hun!

54. Which friend do you share most in common with? Rubi-chan, Spinel and Misty ~_^

+ Random questions

55. Do you have a mobile phone? Yeah

56. What make is it? *goes to check* I think it says Kyocera

57. What do you use it for? Calling people XD

58. Who is the first person listed in your phone (book): Er…I don’t have a phone book ^^ It used to be on my computer, but it crashed and I lost it all O.o The first person listed in my cell is Kim though XD I don’t see why I bother though since her number is memorized O.o

59. What’s the situation with the weather right now, where you are? It’s probably cold and windy XD I’m in a computer lab at school.

60. Do you like rain? Yes I do! I love playing and running around in it! ^_^

61. What time is it? 9:40 a.m.

62. What are you having for dinner? Probably something with rice ^^o

63. What are you going to do tomorrow? Go to CCIT class (and b*tch and moan about nearly failing my midterm -.-o), buy Kim a present, meet up with the computer guy, go to Kim’s house with Colleen, and probably end up watching Battle Royale and/or w-inds XD

64. What was the last movie you watched? I’ve been watching lots of movies lately O.o The one I remember last though is the Gruge XD That’s some scary sh*t ^^o

65. What are your favourite names? Leina, Lyn, Yaoi Fangirl XD

66. What’s your favourite take out food? Chinese food!

67. Briefly describe your personality: Very much like Tyson (Beyblade) and/or Tai (Digimon)

68. Name a few people you can’t stand: ReiKa fans XD Kidding! Um…well, I have a freakishly high tolerance level O.o

69. When was the last time you laughed hysterically and why? I think it might have been yesterday watching Gackt killing things or playing with soap bubbles O.o It was odd…and very amusing ^_^

70. When was the last time you were scared and why? Late at night because I have visions of crazy clowns -.-o

71. How old are your grandparents? Over 90, I think.

72. What’s your nearest church called? I don’t know X_x The one I go to is called St Francis Xavier though!

73. The last time you ate birthday cake? I can’t remember, but I’ll probably eat one on Saturday at Kim’s b-day! ^_^

74. The last book you read? I read a sentence from “An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding” -.-o

75. The next book you’re going to read? That one again. Or maybe Dora.

76. Do you have fantasies [whether sexual or not, you tell me]: Everyone does.

77. Who was the last person who showed you affection? My mom XD

78. What’s your favourite Shakespeare play? I don’t really like Shakespeare X_x If I had to choose, then I guess Twelfth Night.

79. When you go into a bookshop, which section do you head for? The manga section, duh! ^_^

80. When was the last time you were so overly annoyed, you wanted to scream blue murder: When a certain people are incredibly b*tchy *coughs*

81. Who was the last person you spoke to through IM: Elisa ^_^

82. What’s the date today? Thursday, November 11, 2004

83. If you died, what song would you want to be played at your funeral? Why are we talking about death? Definitely “Sleepless Beauty (Sacred Air Version)” by Nittle Grasper though.

I'm in need of a healthy dose of TyKa fanfiction right now. I'm in a better mood than earlier, but I need more cheering up! Damnit, where is a fangirl I can fangirl about TyKa with when I need it? X__x That always makes me feel so much better ^_^ I suppose I'll start working on my secret fic though XD Oh, I'm planning to write a TyKa one-shot about Tyson who wants to make his relationship with Kai more "interesting". he realized just how "dull" it was when he read a bunch of "TyKa" fics online XD *snerk* Then again, I have so many ideas floating in my head...I need to write them all one day ^^o
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