My masterlist for Eureka related fanfiction. For the master-masterlist for fic, go here; Eureka
Acetylcholine and Shared Dreams Pairing: Jo Lupo/Nathan Stark pre-ship
Rating: PG
Timeline: 2.06 - Noche de Sueños
Summary: "I know, because it means I wasn't the one who had the man in black dream."
A/N: All dialog except the last section is from the episode.
Posted: July 13, 2010
Act of Contrition Pairing: Jack/Nathan
Rating: PG-13
Timeline: Beginning of season two, although a little AU. Jack was not married to Allison in the alt. future.
Summary: No one could believe Nathan was really leaving.
Posted: May 13, 2010
Always / Characters: Jo Lupo, Jack Carter, Allison Blake
Rating: PG
Summary: "It's happening to me too, isn't it?"
Timeline: 4.03 - All the Rage (dialog from the episode)
Written for: Posted: July 27, 2010
Another Donovan / Fandom: Eureka (and I guess Warehouse 13) || Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Jo Lupo/Zane Donovan
Timeline: 4.05 - Crossing Over (most dialog from the show, a little not. But at least I wrote some of my own this time, right?)
Summary: Jo has no idea what to make of the new chick.
A/N(a): This was supposed to be way shorter, about 90% less angsty and more sexy then it ended up being.
A/N(b); I do not actually consider this finished, but it is in it's own right. And I was feeling pretty sick by time I posted it and knew I wouldn't get it done by the closing tag time. So there may be a bit to follow, I'm not sure.
Written for: (My third tag for the ep. Why? I have no idea.)
Posted: August 13, 2010
Another Perspective Characters: Zoe, Zane || Pairing: Jo/Zane
Rating: PG
Timeline: 2.10 - God is in the Detail, just before the church servise at the end.
Summary: "He's brilliant, I'm not." Zoe isn't going to let anyone she cares about feel like that.
Posted: July 14, 2010
Beyond Absurd Characters: Allison Blake, Emily Glenn, Jack Carter, Jo Lupo, S.A.R.A.H., Zane Donovan
Rating: PG-13
Timeline: Post season 3.5
Summary: It is not a zombie attack. Even for Eureka, that's just insane.
Posted: June 30, 2010
Calming Down / Characters: Jo Lupo, Zane Donovan || Pairing: Jo/Zane
Rating: PG
Timeline: 4.03 - All the Rage
Summary: Zane is Zane in all the worst ways, no matter what timeline they're in.
Written for: Posted: July 27, 2010
Coming Home Pairing: Allison/Jo
Rating: PG
Timeline: No idea. I guess maybe mid-season two?
Summary: Jo's a girl with a gun; well, a lot of guns.
Posted: Nov. 11, 2009
Complications Characters: Tess Fontana, Grace Monroe || Pairing: Jack Carter/Tess Fontana
Rating: PG
Timeline: Pre 4.01, but in the retcon-universe that happened in that ep.
Summary: Tess didn't take the job.
Posted: September 21, 2010
Contortions of Emotion / Pairing: Jo/Zane only not, because sci-fi sucks.
Rating: PG
Timeline: 4.01 - Founder's Day
Summary: She shouldn't have fallen for him and she waited too long to say yes.
Thanks to:
serene_quill &
conspiratorsb for helping me find a way to watch the ep.
Written for: Posted: July 13, 2010
Getting Over It / Characters: Jo Lupo, S.A.R.A.H., Jack Carter, Zane Donovan, Allison Blake (in order of appearance) || Pairing: Jo/Zane, but only in angsty passing.
Rating: PG
Timeline: 4.05 - Crossing Over (last two sections, dialog taken from the ep.)
Summary: "So how're you doing with Zane?"
Written for: Posted: August 13, 2010
Happy Feelings Pairing: Carter/Stark. Kind of.
Rating: PG-13
Timeline: Season 1
Summary: One of the last people who hadn't thought he and Nathan were secretly gay for each other had been witness to the most intense makeout session his life.
A/N: Written for enigmaticblues ( in the Stark's Lab ( Secret Santa.
First Posted: December 19, 2009
A New Woman / Pairing: Jo Lupo/Zane Donovan
Rating: PG
Timeline/Spoilers: 4.02 - A New World, reference to a retcon of 2.08
Summary: Lupo's acting bizarre.
A/N: Opening fic dialog from the show.
Written for: Posted: July 20, 2010
No Characters: Jack Carter, Zoe Carter
Rating: PG
Timeline: Future-fic, AU from the end of season 3.5 (probably)
Summary: Zoe never did listen to him, even when he really was in charge.
A/N: PWP in no way related to porn. Why? Because this is the kind of thing that goes through my head when I haven't slept in two days.
Posted: July 01, 2010
One of Three Pairing: Kinda Zane/Jack preslash
Rating: PG
Timeline: Between season two and three.
Summary: Zane and Jo aren't dating. This is Eureka; all the good ones are either gay, married or robots.
Posted: May 11, 2010
Signs of Familiarity / Pairing: Jo Lupo/Zane Donovan
Rating: PG
Timeline: 4.04 - The Story of O2
Summary: It's been a long, up-and-down day.
Written for: Posted: August 04, 2010
To Do With Us / Pairing: Jo Lupo/Zane Donovan, Zoe Carter/Zane Donovan
Rating: PG
Timeline: 4.09 - I'll be Seeing You
Summary: "I'm not stupid. I know something's happened with the five of you and part of it had to do with us."
A/N: episode tag for 4.09. I don't know if I should still be participating, given that I miss three episodes, but whatever.
A/N3: Dialog from the episode
Written for: Posted: September 15, 2010
An Uncomfortable Conversation Characters: Allison Blake, Jack Carter
Rating: PG
Timeline: Sometime after 2.08
Summary: There's something Allison needs to discuss with Jack and she's not sure how to go about it.
Posted: July 08, 2010
Visiting Weirdness / Fandom: Eureka (And I guess Warehouse 13) || Rating: PG-13
Characters: Claudia Donovan, Lisa Wheeler, Douglas Fargo || Pairing: Claudia Donovan/Lisa Wheeler, Claudia Donovan/Douglas Fargo
Timeline: 4.05 - Crossing Over (All dialog, swiped from the ep.)
Summary: "Degrees from Yale and Columbia by age 23. This chick is sick."
Warning: Character-bashing, but only of AU Fargo that used to be in this shiny-new hellscape, not our Fargo.
A/N: Sorry if Claudia is OOC, I've only ever seen her in Eureka and that's what I had to go on.
Written for: (My second tag for the ep again)
Posted: August 13, 2010
Whole New World - Tess Characters: Tess Fontana, Grace Monroe || Pairing: Jack/Tess, Grace/Henry
Rating: PG
Timeline: post 4.01, but deals with the changes that happened. Possible spoilers up to 4.04, because I can't keep track.
Summary: When they got back, everything was different.
Posted: September 29, 2010
Wilful Blindness / Pairing: Zoe Carter/Zane Donovan, Jo Lupo/Zane Donovan
Rating: PG
Timeline: 4.09 - I'll be Seeing You
Summary: Zoe pretended not to notice
Warning: Somewhere along the line, this turned into Zoe empathy. And didn't end the way I had planned.
Written for: Posted: September 17, 2010