Friday the 13th (2009)
Movie Review
By Jessica Dwyer
I find it amusing as hell that the brothers from Supernatural each are starring in a remake of an early 80's slasher flick within a month of one another. Jensen Ackles was in My Bloody Valentine 3D and Jared Padalecki stars in F13's reboot. Which was the better film? I'll tell you that at the end of the review. Let's first talk about the man of the hour though, Mr. Voorhees.
F13 isn't a new entry in the saga, its a reboot. Much as the same guys involved with this did with TCM, they've taken the Crystal Lake saga and slicked it up to entice newbies and the old school lovers of slashers alike. Out of all the franchises out there, I feel F13 needed it the most. Jason has just become too cuddly. Where Freddy has his personality going for him, Jason simply had his brute strength and scare tactics to keep him interesting. And after the shitfest that was Jason In Space....blargh.
Granted, Freddy Vs Jason gave us a new Mr. J to enjoy....but the damage had been done. We needed something with more slash, something that would make us cringe. Something with less talking robot heads.
F13 manages to make Jason fun again, and less cringe worthy. He's also a badass and you can't help but cheer and be grateful he's not running after you. Jason is a brutal killing machine with a grudge. He's big and he's fast. He also seems to like pot...or someone does.
The hell? you ask. Pot is an important in this movie, and I'm not quite sure why. Are the buds growing near Crystal Lake Jason's? We never really know, but the pot is a major plot point (or pot point). In any regards, the pre-requisite sex, drugs, booze, tits, and ass are all throughout the movie. The teenagers are actually funny and some of them you actually give a shit about. The deaths are good ones with a new use found for the sleeping bag rather than slamming it into a tree. There's also answering of the question "How does Jason get everywhere so fast?"
Gripes? I do have some, but in the scheme of things they are minor. I did enjoy the beginning of the film which is really the ending of the first movie. We get to see Nana Visitor as Mrs. Voorhees very very briefly. I would have liked to have seen more background with Jason and his mom. But that's just me. Also, the ending seemed rushed and the VERY end seemed tacked on. I also would have liked more of the creepy theme music we all know and love to have been used more.
All in all F13 is a fun horror flick and a nice injection into the arm of the franchise. Derek Mears kicks butt and is vicious as Jason and the cast is entertaining.
Speaking of, which Winchester brother wins for best movie? Sorry but its a tie. I loved both of these flicks equally (although Dean will always win my heart over Sam). Valentine was just as fun and had the bonus of the 3D (and Tom Atkins...woot!) but F13 has Jason and that's always a plus. A double feature of these bad boys would rock the house.