Prompts for Charity!

Jan 17, 2010 18:22

I'm doing a lightning round at help_haiti here.

User Name: writerfangirl
Email address:
YM/AIM/Gtalk/ICQ (optional): jenthefangirl/Jen the Fangirl/
You can see things I've created at: Breaking Ground and Reconnection (both spoilers for Heroes go to "Let it Bleed") are my most recent drabbles. I'm just getting back to fanfic writing. I have some nine-ten year old fics, too. Babylon 5 fics With Ease, The Musings of Lieutenant David Corwin, and Pete Wisdom fic A Score to Settle.

I am offering: Fluffy and/or uplifting and/or slice of life ficlets (500-1000 words) to the first seven people.

Fandoms: Heroes - Gen, slash, I'm willing to try just about anything or any character--I do really like the minor ones like Emma, Hesam, even Abby Collins from Season 3--but please don't ask me to write anything where Sylar is the major player. My personal favorites are the Petrellis (I do particularly like WeePetrellis too!), but I like Claire,

Excalibur and/or X-Men - Kitty Pryde and Pete Wisdom.

Stargate: SG-1: Daniel Jackson (especially Ascended or when he's being geeky about Archaeology. Less so when he's in his older years and has gotten bitter), Cassie Fraiser

Additional Info (optional):

Donation Minimum/Number of items offered: $5.00 USD per ficlet. Donations go to Haitian Hero / Hollywood Unites for Haiti RELIEF FUND. Please show proof and then give me your ficlet request with theme word.

writing, heroes

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