And we all know this, but he keeps on coming out with interviews that shed a bit more light on the complexity of who he is. He has what I can only describe as the most action-packed lives I've come to see. The irony here is that, personality wise, he's just a normal and sweet guy. Natalie is one lucky gal.
This is a total summary of his recent interview in
The Guardian Guide. The shiny bits!
One bit I already knew:
~ There was a time when Adrian owned a pig named Stella (I didn't know that it was once owned; I thought she still lived at the Texas house) and a bulldog named Ralph. He's writing a story about the friendship of Stella and Ralph for his boys. :)
And the other new bits:
~ Adrian met Princess Diana at the premiere for Just Like a Woman. He was going to wear the dress she had worn but decided against it. And he told her this. *L* After the premiere, during a dinner, he was seated next to Princess Diana and embarrassed himself a bit by thinking the applause for her was meant for him and responding to it. But the Princess took it all in stride. :D
~ Adrian first directed his place when he was four years old. It was a play based on the Bible, specifically on Mary and Joseph. He had dogs dressed up as sheep. One time, one of the dogs chased after a cat and they ended up doing the production outside. This event made Adrian realize that acting would be in his life at some point.
~ Adrian's been caught speeding on the way to San Jose. He was in a Shelby convertible and late for a plane. He says that the cop was understanding.
~ Adrian defines his friendship with Milo as being kinetic.
~ The majority of music Adrian gets these days come from the CDs that Milo has burned for him.