Seriously? Who does? I guess I should be used to being off today after last Tuesday, but it really struck me this time. And now 2008. Weird. Is it a sign that I'm really getting old when I say, "Oh, 1998 wasn't that long ago." I have vivid memories from it. You know, those fresh ones that still feel new or newish. Bah. Maybe I'm trying to hold on to my late teens-early twenties-twenties period. Or I just have a memory of the awesome. And oops. I've wandered. I also meant to say that today feels weird because it's 7:30 AM and I'm at home, lunging in bed. Should be getting familiar with Julia & Julia as I wonder where I'm going to put the new copies (I had taken this "God won't give me anything I can't deal with" method at work (though I should know otherwise after being avalanched by Manga and then sending it back--I think it was sent back. God, I hope it wasn't tossed or something. Would that happen?) but it seems that the company sends things indiscriminately. WTF! Shouldn't they know that thirty-five copies of Julie & Julia is just too much?! I only use this book as an example because it's getting turned into a movie for a 2009 release (suddenly you're not so far away ole year to end the decade and marking of last year with two 0's. Hmm. 2008 is like double affinity: two 0's and the 8. Nice touch. Speaking of other "doubles", that's one part of the actual name of the statue used for Kirby Plaza--
The Double Ascension, by Herbert Bayer (now that, while makes me think of Stargate: SG-1, has interesting connotations in Heroes, as there are multiple 'ascensions' going on. Double-doubles (just not the cheeseburger, which shall be what I get when I spend my In-n-Out 5 dollar gift card! Thanks Lyly of Borders!) Peter and Sylar and Peter and Nathan--though literally in the Petrellis' case. Oh yes, prop to scenery scout person who found this gem. I can just imagine it: "I know this awesome status downtown. We have to shoot there!" And, ironically, that statue
really looks like the Godsend helix while viewed from above. I went back there with
brokenbacktango and
make_me_shiny. They reenacted Peter's and Sylar's scene as I took a couple of snaps.)
Okay, just stating this for new folks here (Allo!): my brain wanders like nobody's busy and I do my best to follow. My voice posts are much more scattered. I make no apologies, but wish to inform. At least I hope it is a fun and/or interesting ride. OCD with ability to draw weird connections \o/ (little guy who will now represent for the win or Yatta!)
Things I like to talk about:
(make a list heading and I instinctively try to stick to things related to the main topic. Had to reel myself back in somehow.)
brokenbacktango - She's the best friend in real life and shares my insanity(ies) though in different ways. She may give me odd looks and stop and say "Woman, you crazy!" from time to time, but I love her. I don't know what I would be doing in real life without her. I like stroking her ego because she doesn't do it. :) But as the friend I am, there's all honesty. I never say anything I don't mean/feel.
2. State of affairs - I'm constantly evaluating and re-evaluating my life and how things fit (remember: OCD!) I like trying to figure how I think and working on becoming a better me. Isn't that what a journal is all about? Setting your life down so you can evaluate it later. But also get you thinking about things as they happen. I've had epiphanies while in the process of writing, too.
3. Fandom - Particularly Heroes. I suppose I wouldn't have "fangirl" in my name if this wasn't an interest. I talk about things I obsess over and things that take over my life. This is closely tied to number 2 as I am constantly evaluating my fandoms and all contained within them, too. Fandom is my approach to life and, in it, spirituality. It's my way of life.
4. Job, Job Hunting--Bane of All My Depression - My job (I do stocking at Borders) pops up a bit. I was previously a writing tutor for three years until my contract expired. Many of my depressive feelings stem from how I'm not financially happy (and it couldn't take much--just some money to pay toward my debts and start putting away for a car and my future) or occupationally be happy. So I've been looking. Have better days of looking than others for a job that will help meet my needs. I'm often left wondering what the heck I want to do (always see back to 2 and 3).
10 Things I Hope for this Journal for '08:
Okay, this already goes on the idea that I'm blogging everyday, so I won't use that! Heh.
10. More, and varied, comments - Not just to feel the job, but I'd love to hear from more people. May be asking for too much. I am going to return the favor, too: post on every thing I read and reply to every comment someone makes to me.
9. Less with the memes - I love them, I do, but I want substance for myself. Though, if they're meaningful, then they're good!
8. Find a topic I'm known for - This is partly what people know me for posting about, and I have no power over that, but I'd like to post more consistently about something. I don't know about fanfic...still have such trouble writing to prompts. I'd like to have more introspection on fandom and how it works in the world.
7. I get an info graphic done - Here's one of those things I've thought about doing but still haven't yet. I love those info graphics where all the info is on the picture. My flightiness does not permit me to focus on one like. Will change that. :D
6. New emotionicons - All Petrellis, all the time! And HRG, too, because he's honorary Petrelli through his daughter. This may change is fandom changes (sad, but true. Boo!)
5. Cheerier outlook in posts - As of late, I feel like I've been a real downer and just writing about the depression and job worries. I hate it. Probably you hate it, too. My journal and all not withstanding. I mean, being depressed sucked. I don't want to bring the party down.
4. More conversations with people/more LJ friendships/more relationships offline from LJ - So, the quality component of 10. Some of the most fun times I've had were over at
heroes_pointcp. I'd like conversations like that: discussions. Call it the cry of the academic in me. I love discussion. Shy away from antagonistic discussion that goes into attack, but love the heated debate.
3. Get back into storyteller mode - Report more on happenings in my life. Positives here. The good stuff. Not so good is in attendance too, but more of the positive. With my report on Atlanta and the WGA Heroes Day picket, I get people telling me that through my writing they felt like they were there. I love sharing that. Be able to give people a shot of something they can experience through me.
2. Complete with what started/follow through - If I write posts offline (like this one, for instance!) I will transcribe. Make myself do it. I have too many posts that are just lost in journals that nobody can read (Hehe! Myself included. My writing can be that bad!)
1. Report of reading in '08 - Much like 3. Reading and writing go together. Want to become a better writer, you read. And not just the encyclopedia, either! EVERYTHING! Plus, you'll get a better handle on the stories which interest you this way. Those subtle nuances will become apparent to you. It's lot of fun if you are one who enjoys deconstructing. I can't say that I want to do 50, or 100, in '08 or anything, but I want to read. I just finished Enchanted on the 31st. I'll be reading Francine Prose's (a writer's last name is prose! How can that not be good?) Reading Like a Writer: A Guide For People Who Love Books and For Those Who Want to Write Them now. It's a New York Times Bestseller and was A Notable Book of the Year for the Times' Book Review. Granted, neither means anything to me. ;) Just looking to get back into reading. One of my fav topics to read about is how to write books. I haven't actually read anything about reading outside of college.
1A* New Music in the '08 - I need my music as much as I need my words. Sometimes the best way to express one's self is with music. It makes me want to move, create. Sometimes, that music teaches a lesson, or I really relate with what the music is describing. By the end of '08, I want a mix of 365 different tracks. None of my initial posts shall be containing repeating songs. I'm going to keep track of this, too!
* This is what I get for writing so early: I miscounted!
My main hope for this year is that it is a good one. I live, I love, I learn. I be easier on myself and not dwell on my deficiencies and errors. I give more. I take time out for myself everyday when I have nobody to worry about, not even myself. I think about what makes me angry, and look to correcting it. I think about what makes me depressed, and work on correcting that. My future is in my hands. Nobody else can change me but me. I am responsible for what happens to me. If I want to change, if I want to get better, I make it happen. If it doesn't happen as quickly, or as I want it to, I don't hold this against myself, either. Somethings things aren't meant to be even as much as we want them to. I just have to do my best with what I'm given. And my best is what I do at any given moment. How I perform now may not be directly comparable to how I performed ten, or even five years ago. I look at where I am now and go from there.
"Rewind" - A Nathan Petrelli Tribute