I ditched CCA today to watch Dance, Subaru! with my senior and it was SOOOOOO worth it.
The movie is seperated into Overture, Act 1, Act 2 and Act 3, which is really cool. The plot was a little messy at times, making me unsure which was the subplot and which was the main plot, but Kuroki Meisa as Miyamoto Subaru saved the movie. She really made me unconciously start to root for Subaru to overcome all the odds. DBSG's fleeting appearance stole a little of the limelight away from the main characters and seems to serve only the purpose of getting DBSG's fangirls to watch the movie for a 15 second appearance, but i guess no one's complaining. Heh. The camera focused too much on them, making even the non-DBSG fangirls distracted from the main plot. It made people wonder if the climax of the film was DBSG's appearance. However, Subaru's final dance in Act 3 was so amazing it made me breathless. It was striking, bold, yet melancholic at the same time. Although I wasn't watching it live, i could still feel her emotions coming through from her movements.I almost applauded along with the audience in the movie.
Everyone will like this movie, regardless of whether they're watching it for DBSG, Kuroki Meisa, Hiraoka Yuta or just purely for the dance. Really.
Althought when they were in Shanghai for the dance competition, there was an erhu playing in the background and i felt guilty for ditching...
which was all forgotten about 5 minutes later because the movie was so damn nice.