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em2mb . It seems like it will be very hard to do this objectively, since I did just watch the series finale of Lost, which is arguably the show I have been more dedicated to than any other, but I will try. This will likely lead to a lot of long answers. Sorry.
Note: since this does include discussion, it should be read with caution for spoilers! Lost, Veronica Mars, and Gilmore Girls are discussed pretty extensively. I put spoiler bars over the text referring to last night's Lost finale.
1. A show that should have never been canceled - Pushing Daisies. A huge part of me wants to say Veronica Mars, but after the atrocity of season three, I was just glad it was over and I didn't have to watch my favorite fictional people get character-assassinated any more than they already were.
2. A show that you wish more people were watching - Umm. Chuck, I guess, but I'm barely watching it and I know I should be, so I guess I cannot point fingers.
3. Your favorite new show (aired this t.v season) - The Vampire Diaries or Glee. Hard to say, because I really like them both in very different ways.
4. Your favorite show ever - Lost. Veronica Mars is a close second, but Lost has a very special place in my heart. And while other people turned me on to Veronica Mars, I began watching Lost on my own, so I feel like I can claim ownership of the show somehow.
5. A show you hate - I don't know if I would say "hate," because I've never finished an episode of the show. But I have absolutely zero desire to ever watch another episode of anything C.S.I. I get that people like it, I just know that I don't.
6. Favorite episode of your favorite t.v show - 1.20 "Do No Harm," some stellar acting by the Lost cast all around. A Jack episode (my fave!), and I found the fact that they killed off a sort-of major character to be so utterly shocking the first time around. For Veronica Mars it's easy: 1.21 "A Trip to the Dentist," because Veronica has to face some wicked demons--and she comes through the fire to find Logan waiting with a show of solid support.
7. Least favorite episode of your favorite t.v show - For Lost, 3-09 "Stranger in a Strange Land," a sad day, because it is a Jack episode, but it suuuckked. It answered the no-one-cares question of Jack's tattoos and generally contributed to the fandom hate on him. For Veronica Mars, probably 3-16 "Un-American Graffiti," for the obvious reasons.
8. A show everyone should watch - Arrested Development. I think that it is one of the most wonderful black comedies I've ever seen, and it never fails to make me laugh. I have no idea why it never caught on, because I have never shown it to someone who didn't like it.
9. Best scene ever - I am taking this to mean, "best non-kiss scene ever" because there is a kiss category later. I like a lot of 'small moment' scenes, like Gilmore Girls' 2-05 "Nick & Nora/Sid & Nancy," when Luke pushes Jess in the lake. But a big memorable scene would be Grey's Anatomy's very well-done post-superbowl episodes 2-16/17 "It's the End of the World / (As We Know It)" when Meredith puts her hand in the guy's stomach to stop the bomb from exploding and Coach (I don't remember what his name is, he's Coach, okay?) is like, "I know that I have bullied you all day..." and she pictures Derek, because they are in love and blah blah blah.
10. A show you thought you wouldn’t like but ended up loving - The Vampire Diaries, I started for Ian Somerhalder and I figured I'd stop when I couldn't handle any more vampires. But it turned out to be a show I rushed home for, so go figure. Very solid cast, and I like that the writers don't fuck with the relationships every fifteen seconds.
11. A show that disappointed you - House. It benched its main characters when nothing was wrong with them just to stay ahead of the curve. If the new cottages had been more interesting, it would have been a gamble that paid off, but instead they alienated half the cast and gave us (gag) Fourteen. Or is it Foreteen?
12. An episode you’ve watched more than 5 times - A lot of Gilmore Girls, Veronica Mars, and Lost. Some not-mentioned-so-far faves include: Gilmore Girls 2-10 "The Bracebridge Dinner;" Veronica Mars 1-08 “Like a Virgin” or 1-10 “An Echolls Family Christmas;” Lost 4-10 “Something Nice Back Home.”
13. Favorite childhood show - I have fond memories of So Weird and Legends of the Hidden Temple. I also watched a lot of Power Rangers, but I always claimed it was because of my brother.
14. Favorite male character - Dean Winchester (Supernatural), Logan Echolls (Veronica Mars), Jack Shephard (Lost)
15. Favorite female character - pre-season 3 Veronica Mars (Veronica Mars), Lorelai Gilmore (Gilmore Girls), Betty Draper (Mad Men)
16. Your guilty pleasure show - early Smallville. I was half in love with Michael Rosenbaum as Lex Luthor and would become very offended if anyone insinuated that I watched the show for Tom Welling. I loved early Gossip Girl too, but lately it seems like they can’t settle on a relationship to explore, everyone just sleeps with each other and there is zero growth.
17. Favorite mini series - n/a
18. Favorite title sequence - Gilmore Girls. It was enough to make me cry, just hearing the song for the series finale.
19. Best t.v show cast - Lost. Mad Men gets a special side nod for also being awesome at casting great people who take on anything.
20. Favorite kiss - Can I do a top three? I think I can. Kate kisses Jack in the jungle (Lost 2-09 “What Kate Did), Veronica kisses Logan outside The Camelot (Veronica Mars 1-18 “Weapons of Class Destruction”), Luke kisses Lorelai/Lorelai kisses Luke at the opening of The Dragonfly (Gilmore Girls 4-22 “Raincoats and Recipes”).
21. Favorite ship - Jack/Kate (Lost), Logan/Veronica (Veronica Mars), Rory/Jess (Gilmore Girls), Luke/Lorelai (Gilmore Girls), Syd/Vaughn (Alias). I love…love, okay? Also, I have about twenty thousand favorite Lost ships. I love Sawyer/Juliet, Desmond/Penny, Charlie/Claire…I am like, sparing you by limiting myself here.
22. Favorite series finale - Hard…question. Copping out here. Tie between Lost and Gilmore Girls. I think I might like Lost an little bit better, but I just watched it, so that is hard to say definitively.
23. Most annoying character - Clark Kent (Smallville)
24. Best quote - “Got any milk?” Henry Gale/Ben Linus (Lost) because it was so horrifying…and funny?
25. A show you plan on watching (old or new) - I need to finish Buffy the Vampire Slayer so I can determine whether or not I am actually a Buffy/Angel shipper. I love Spike, but I never got to any of the episodes where him and Buffy were together, so it is really hard to say.
26. OMG WTF? Season finale - Easy peasy, has to be 3-22/23 “Through the Looking Glass” from Lost. Not Penny’s Boat. Looking into the coffin and WTF we’re flashing where?!? And the classic, “We have to go baaaack!”
27. Best pilot episode- Glee. That is the best pilot I have ever seen. A self-contained story that could have just ended there and been perfectly inspirational, but opened up a whole new world of possibilities…I was so worried that episode two wouldn’t be able to live up to it. But it did!
28. First t.v show obsession - Smallville was the first show I ever bought on DVD, but Gilmore Girls was the first thing I ever got mad about missing.
29. Current t.v show obsession - Lost, but it just ended, so I guess Glee or The Vampire Diaries.
30. Saddest character death - Up until last night, I would have said Charlie on Lost, but I cried pretty hard when Jack died (I thought he was going to die alone, and then Vincent showed up…). Either one of the Winchester’s deaths were pretty gutting, but it was hard to be really sad when you knew they were going to rise from the dead and live again next season.