
Sep 08, 2011 21:20

Hello, everyone! Wow, it's been awhile since I've used this thing, huh... I can't remember why it was a bad idea to post now, though. And anyway, I think we should all become friends and the best way to do that is to just get out there and say hello! With all the Darkness and Heartless and frightening people in City Hall and elsewhere, I think our greatest defense is to band together and use the power of LOVE!

And you know, it's not all bad things here. I'd like to return home as much as anyone, but in the mean time, there are some fun things we could do. Like...um...well, the park is really nice. And I've always wanted to go out to the shore outside the city gates! And of course all the different shops are great...i-if they let you in.


Oh! And the other floors have some fun things too! I mean, aside from the dangers. So as long as you're capable of fighting...


A-anyway, does anyone else have any ideas for a fun, bonding time?

please be my friend i'm so lonely oh god, hay guys whats goin on in dis castle

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