Fangirl Friday

Mar 21, 2008 11:08

Hello fangirls!  I'm having trouble winnowing my list, so here come the gluttonous recommendations from me for my OTP.  I haven't ventured much outside my favored pairing, so it's all HP and all SS/HG.  In general, the authors whose stories appear here are those whose grocery lists I would probably read rapturously.

1. Falling Further In by KazVL

This was one of the first pieces of fanfiction I ever read.  It is an exquisite, heart-wrenching story with one of the best Snape characterizations I've read. She updated immediately after HBP came out and apparently there had been a long delay right before that update, so I'm still hoping... the other fic by her is called "Who By Fire" and it's astoundingly good.
 The current WIP that reminds me of Falling Further in is 'Care of Magical Creatures' by Mia Madwyn.  It's brilliant, emotionally evocative, with fabulous pacing and characterization.

2.  A Walking Shadow by Ariadne

-- my favorite Book 7. Brilliant, sensitive, psychologically astute.  And also by Ariadne: No Loyalty in the Moonlight

3.. In Annulo by Lady of the Masque

-- another Book 7, but...different :) Very sexy and clever, too.

4. . Calling Card and Guard, Check, Mate by Bambu.

I love how she draws Severus and Hermione, and the emotional dynamics between them.

5.  . The Roman Holiday series by Anna

(also hasn't been updated in a long time). I resisted this one for a long time because Hermione (and Severus) is paired with others first (I'm apparently a SS/HG purist, who knew?) but I couldn't put it down.

6. The Master of Enchantment by Subversa, or maybe Improbably Felicity...who can choose?

I always fall head first into a Subversa story. I adore the way the characters are drawn, and the pacing and storylines are impeccable.

7. Dances with Witches by Pearle.

Love it, want more :D It's funny, sexy, clever...

8. Round Midnight/After Midnight (Anne)

Again, great story, beautiful characterization and emotionally intense.

9  Letter from Exile/One Merciful Morning (textualsphinx)
A classic -- still brings tears to my eyes.

10. Tyger, Tyger (Bloodcult of Freud) and also Seven Preposterous Things.
I can't say enough about BoF's writing style and plotting skill.  I adore her humor and characterization, and she weaves intimacy and emotion into the stories so beautifully.

11. Cloak of Courage, by WendyNat.
A favorite MLC fic.  There are some smoking hot scenes and lines in this one.

12.  Whate'er Therein is Promised, by Deeble.  This is such a well-crafted story with difficult subject matter.  She successfully moves us through some major growth and development for the characters.  It's brilliant.

13.  I'll Never Take Advantage and Gifts by Annie Talbot.  Annie's stories have depth and complexity and ethical and theological underpinnings that leave you thinking long after the story is finished.  Heart-wrenching and beautifully drawn, I also love the magic she creates.

14.  Graduation by My Little Secret (or Zelda Pinwheel on ffnet)
A favorite erotic tale that grew a bit of plot.

15. Agentes et Patientes by Bonnie Viva
This one is fascinating and very different.  It's got BDSM (which never was something I'd been into), but well-done and in context.

16. Bottled -- companion pieces by Jeanette and Lady of the Masque.  Well done and fun "magic mishap means we must have sex... now" tale -- it's fun to have two versions from different POV's.

17.  Nocturne by Dutchy
A 'Voldemort Won' tale with much intrigue, emotional intensity and fascinating plot.

18.  Where Your Treasure Is by Zeegrindylows
A post DH love story -- a soul-bonding tale that takes its time to unfold.  Beautifully written and well-draw characters make this a lovely read.

And finally, I recc'ed Arsenic in my teaser post, but to reiterate, go and read anything, anything by  Arsenic Jade:

You can't miss with anything written by any of the above authors. Any of them are worth reading and rereading (which is one of my criteria for favorites).  I'm sure I've forgotten some favorites, but here are my offerings for today!  Enjoy!  Sorry that some of the links aren't hotlinked, I could not get LJ to cooperate consistently!


!official fangirl tour stop, harry potter

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