Come One, Come All! Recs Here!!!

Apr 27, 2011 06:11

Greetings! This is my very first posting on the Fangirl Tour, although I’ve been a fangirl for a VERY long time.

Come with me into the wonderful worlds of Harry Potter and Sherlock! I’ve included an art link for each, and a bonus Who/Sarah Jane Adventures rec, as well!

(If any of these are duplicates of earlier recs, please accept my apologies. I’ve checked, but I just can’t believe that some of them haven’t shown up before!)

Harry Potter Fanfiction Recs

Fandom: Harry Potter
Title: Illumination ~ or ~ Why Snape Didn’t Get a Portrait
Author: ariadne1
Rating: PG
Status: Complete (One-Shot)
Summary: Through all her years as Headmistress, one question always eluded Hermione: Why didn't he have a portrait? (Illustrated.)
Characters: Severus Snape, Hermione Granger
Why I fangirl this: Okay, it was my birthday present. But still… Everything Ariadne writes is exquisite, and this is just a perfect gem of a story that addresses one of the questions we all had following Deathly Hallows.

Fandom: Harry Potter
Title: Be Neither
Author: mountainmoira
Rating: PG
Status: Complete (One-Shot)
Summary: Professor Snape offers both advice and a challenge.
Characters: Severus Snape, Luna Lovegood
Why I fangirl this: I struggled between reccing this piece and Moira’s gorgeous, epic In His Name. (See what I did there? See it? Huh?) Her Luna here - so wonderfully Luna - coupled with Snape’s understanding of this most difficult student (and hers of this most difficult teacher), combine to make this one of the loveliest one-shots in the fandom.

Fandom: Harry Potter
Title: Aftermath - A Story in Four Parts
Author: Josan
Rating: NC-17
Status: Complete
Summary: Severus Snape finds out there's more to life than potions.
Characters: Severus Snape, Ron Weasley
Why I fangirl this: Okay. This is Snape/Ron slash. It contains (off-camera) rape and torture. Some on-camera torture, as well, now that I think about it. Why does Annie, Queen of Fluff, rec this fic? Because of her characters, who leap, glowing, off the page. It’s brilliant, and I think you’ll love it, if you haven’t read it yet.

Fandom: Harry Potter
Title: Hogwarts House-Elves Housekeeping Files: vol. 1990s
Author: Goat of Abe
Rating: Mature
Status: Complete (Ninety-Nine Chapters)
Summary: Did you ever wonder what happens behind the scenes at Hogwarts?
Characters: The full cast, post-War.
Why I fangirl this: A group fic, this time, written by the members of Slytherin House during OWL’s House Cup competition. It starts with Ron, post-Battle, searching for something to eat (typical!). When he finds the House-Elves’ files, containing memos, recipies, notes on the professors - everything needed to keep Hogwarts running, in fact - he takes them to Hermione. Who proceeds to read them and unravel the most delicious mystery… Read it! It’s awesome!

Fandom: Harry Potter
Title: The Right Place & the Right Time
Author: odogoddess
Rating: NC-17
Status: Complete
Summary: Millicent reflects on her situation as she cares for the Headmaster during his recovery after the final battle
Characters: Severus Snape, Millicent Bulstrode
Why I fangirl this: It takes a lot to make me like Millicent Bulstrode. But not only do I like her here, I also respect her. She struggles - Lord, does she struggle. There are warnings on this fic that you should heed. But this Millicent is valiant and loyal and smart without ever once being not-a-Slytherin. And odogoddess’s Snape… oh, man. We see him through Millicent’s eyes during his Headmaster year. And then as she nurses him to health following the end of the war. He’s beautifully drawn, in all his snarly, angry glory. What a wonderful story this is!

Fandom: Harry Potter
Title: Prisoners of Azkaban: Probationary Diaries, August 2009, Prisoners #19-09-1979 and #09-01-1960
Author: juno_magic
Link: or
Rating: Mature
Status: Complete (Forty-Two Chapters, including Notes (which are amazing))
Summary: Hermione Granger's and Severus Snape's diaries in August 2009. A series of ficlets.
Characters: Severus Snape, Hermione Granger
Why I fangirl this: This was posted in real time during the month of August, 2009, during OWL’s House Cup competition, and it had us all on the edges of our seats. A Voldemort Won scenario, it begins on the day Severus and Hermione are released from Azkaban and continues through their first month of freedom, as they struggle to find their way in this new world and to avoid being returned to prison.

Fandom: Harry Potter
Title: On Earth as in Heaven
Author: duniazade
Rating: Teen
Status: Complete
Characters: Severus Snape, Hermione Granger
Summary: Two wanderers ask for hospitality. But gifts from the gods are sometimes strange.
Why I fangirl this: The textures in this story! I fell in love with this as an anonymous posting on the SSHG Exchange, and it stayed with me. Without it, I’d never have had the courage to write and post my own The Foreigner. It’s perfect.

Fandom: Harry Potter
Title: Childhood’s End
Author: Spiderwort
Rating: Teen
Status: Complete (with sequels!)
Summary: Minerva McGonagall comes of age during turbulent times, marked by a horrific Muggle war and the cunning predations of a malevolent, long-lived warlock named Grindelwald. Her own life is marked by struggle: her mother's mysterious mental disturbance; her friends' troubles, which she feels bound to ameliorate; and the looming responsibilities she faces as sole heir to Connghaill Keep. This book, the first in a series, records her last carefree summer and her first year at Hogwarts. The series itself, titled "Before the Beginning", follows Minerva through her formative years,from 1936 through 1945, the end of both the Muggle war and Grindelwald's freedom, and the rise of a new Dark Lord.
Why I fangirl this: Minerva McGonagall is one of my favorite characters in the Potter series. And Spiderwort’s young Minerva is everything you’d expect her to be: brave, clever, and stubborn to a fault. This one takes a bit of getting into, but I promise you, it’s worth it!

Harry Potter Art Rec

I don’t ship Snily. Truly I don’t. The problem is, Snape ships Snily. And given what JKR did to him in Deathly Hallows, I suppose this is only fitting:

Fandom: Harry Potter
Title: Heaven
Artist: Ravenna
Rating: G
Why I fangirl this: Well, just look at it! Isn’t it the most gorgeous thing you’ve ever seen? *wobbles away, sobbing

Sherlock Fanfiction Recs

Fandom: Sherlock
Title: The Evidence Series
Author: machshefa
Rating: Mature
Status: Three Completed One-Shots (thus far)
Summary: One must always follow the evidence. (Summary for Evidence, the first story in the series.)
Characters: Sherlock Holmes, John Watson
Why I fangirl this: Machshefa has a way of finding the core of each human soul and showing us how beautiful and fragile and damaged they can be, before taking them by the hand and leading them into healing.

Fandom: Sherlock
Title: Killing Time
Author: sc010f
Rating: Mature
Status: Complete
Summary: The plan had been... well, that was the problem. There had been no plan for this. A study of "A Study in Pink".
Why I fangirl this: Sometimes "What if?" fics are weird. But this one shows the pivot on which John existed during those first moments of A Study in Pink. What if he hadn’t run into Mike? What if, instead, he’d continued to deteriorate until he became homeless? What would have become of him if he’d met Sherlock then? Scoffy’s John is perfect, and so are her Sherlock, Mycroft, and Lestrade.

Fandom: Sherlock
Title: The Comparative Uses of Semaphore and Foghorns as Communication Devices in Manoeuvres Naval and Sexual (God, I hope I got that right.)
Author: pyjamapants
Rating: NC-17
Status: WIP (Up to Chapter Four or Six, Posting Weekly)
Summary: Sarah and John discover that inviting Sherlock Holmes into your bed requires advanced communication techniques.
Why I fangirl this: Because it is scorching. And the characterizations are perfect. And did I mention that it’s kinda hot?

Fandom: Sherlock
Title: The Shadow Boys Are Breaking
Author: morganstuart
Rating: Teen, I’d Say
Status: Complete
Summary: When Sherlock and John broke that morning, Lestrade picked up the pieces. Now who would pick up the pieces of Lestrade?
Why I fangirl this: Lestrade goes to 221B Baker Street immediately following the events of The Great Game. He meets Mrs Hudson… OMG, it’s wonderful.

And to follow up on Scoffy’s recs of irisbleufic’s stories, I Meet You There and We Go and The Half Open Window, Iris has added two more stories to the series, listed here. Please don’t read them without a box of tissues handy.

I Broke Them All for You
I Dream A Highway (Back to You)

Sherlock Art Rec

I do deeply admire BAMF!John. Therefore, I also deeply admire this particular piece of fanart. Just sayin’.

Fandom: Sherlock
Title: Afghanistan
Artist: mariemjs
Rating: PG
Why I fangirl this: Because it makes my ovaries explode.

The Sarah Jane Adventures Rec

Fandom: Doctor Who/The Sarah Jane Adventures
Title: Three Dreams
Author: daystarsearcher
Rating: Teen
Status: Complete (One-Shot)
Summary: Dreams rarely make sense, and sometimes you wake up sad for no reason you can explain.
Why I fangirl this: The divine Lis Sladen (Sarah Jane Smith from Doctor Who (Three and Ten) and The Sarah Jane Adventures) passed away last week. This is one fan’s reaction to that event.

This was fun! I hope you enjoy reading these wonderful stories and viewing the amazing art as much as I have! (Mods, may I please have a tag for The Sarah Jane Adventures?)

!official fangirl tour stop, sherlock holmes, sarah jane adventures, harry potter

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