Good morning, fangirls! I've been so, so, so excited about this all month. Putting together this list has been loads of fun. Thanks so much to the mods for running another round of the tour. I've branched out fandom-wise this year, so there's a lot represented here.
Now, let's get right to the recs. Beneath the cut you'll find: Numb3rs, Harry Potter, The Vampire Diaries, Supernatural, Justified, Star Trek reboot, The Walking Dead, and Being Human (US) recs. I've included slash, het, gen, and ratings from PG - NC-17, and stories that range from drabbles to long WIPs, so hopefully there's something for everyone. Enjoy!
I fell in love with this show so hard and fast last summer that I watched all 6 seasons without coming up for breath, then just threw myself into the fandom. It was cancelled a year ago, and I'm still heartbroken it's no longer on television. This piece is just sweet and hot and fun!
Fandom: Numb3rs (Colby/David, Nikki)
Title: Where There's Smoke
Author: Deltacephei
Link: Teen and up
Status: Complete
Summary: "I hate to impose on your alone time, but can you two lovebirds give me a ride home?"
Why I fangirl this: Episode 6.02 is one of my favorite episodes of Numb3rs (and I have many favorite episodes. Oh, show. I miss you). The Colby/David shipper in me just adores the "date" scene in this one. This fic shows exactly why. It's from Nikki's point of view, and the author gets Nikki's voice down pat. Colby and David are wonderfully in character, first giving Nikki cheek the way they do so well, and then in their panicked discomfort when she calls them out. It all seems to meld seamlessly into the canon (seriously, it does).
Harry Potter
HP is my fandom home. <3 Lately I've been enamoured with next gen fic, so I've included a couple of those, and one much older fic that I've adored since my early days in fandom.
Fandom: HP (Harry/Scorpius)
Title: Getting Hard
snegurochka_leeLink: NC-17
Word Count: ~3300
Status: Complete
Summary: Scorpius always preferred to do it now, now, and then maybe again in twenty minutes, but Harry took forever. Slowly, though, Scorpius is beginning to see the appeal of being patient.
Why I fangirl this: I fangirl pretty much everything
snegurochka_lee has ever written, but this one is so, so, so amazingly hot. And the chemistry between Harry and Scorpius is just wonderful. I'm such a sucker for mature, patient Harry, and he's written so beautifully here. And did I mention the porn? Because it's incredible.
Fandom: HP (Scorpius/Rose)
Title: We're Looking for Something Dumb to Do
sarahyyyLink: Count: ~2700
Rating: PG-13
Status: Complete
Summary: Scorpius and Rose are getting a divorce. Al is absolutely devastated.
Why I fangirl it: The format is utterly unique, the voices are delightful, and I love the way this story is as much about Al and his reactions as it is about Scorpius/Rose. This was an absolute gem (out of many, many lovely fics) at the
hp_nextgen_fest this year, and I've gone back and reread it as a pick-me-up several times since it was posted. Just delightful.
Fandom: HP (Harry/Neville)
Title: Of Toad and Man
ellensmitheeLink: Count: 2049
Rating: NC-17
Status: Complete
Summary: It isn't easy being green.
Why I fangirl it: How can you not love a fic that starts out with the following author's note? Contains graphic, anatomically correct amphibian sex. This was written in 2004 and hearkens back to when HP fandom was full of whimsical, hot, silly fun. Not only does
ellensmithee write the best Neville Longbottom I've ever read, her brilliant sense of humor just shines in this one, with a most excellent ending.
The Vampire Diaries
Train wreck though it is, there is a lot of pretty on this show. And a whole world full of gaps to be filled with fanfiction.
Fandom: The Vampire Diaries (Damon/Alaric - SPN crossover with Bobby)
Title: Not in Kansas Anymore... or The One with Zombies
kacheraLink: Count: ~7400
Rating: M for Mature (violence and gore)
Status: Complete
Summary: Alaric gets a call from a friend that sends him to Tennessee to investigate some suspicious activity. Damon comes along.
Why I fangirl it: I love, adore, savor zombie fic. Good zombie fic. The same goes for Damon/Alaric. This fic has it all in spades. What a fun, fun ride! The banter, the action, the addition of Bobby Singer which melds into the story perfectly, makes this story just fantastic. Plus, the author has written a bonus smutty insert that can be found here: Supernatural
Oh, Sam. Oh, Dean. Oh, Cas. Oh, everybody. How much I love, love, love Supernatural. And there is some really, really good fic out there if you go looking.
Fandom: Supernatural (Sam/Gabriel, Dean/Castiel)
Title: For Love is Strong as Death
sakuri69Link: ~50k (and every word is worth your time!)
Rating: PG-13
Status: Complete
Summary: Four months after the apocalypse that wasn’t, Sam, Castiel and Gabriel are brought back to life at the same time and place, leaving Sam to deal with two suddenly human angels and the fact that he can never see his brother again...
Why I fangirl it: I'm not even exaggerating when I say that this might be one of my very favorite fanfics in any fandom, any pairing. The writing is just so very, very good and the characterizations are dead on perfect. What I love most about this story is the way that simple scenes become such deep moments of character study and development. It really proves that a compelling, deep story can be told without loads of gratuitous action and angst. I just start falling all over myself when I talk about this story and how much I love it.
Fandom: Supernatural (Sam/Ruby, Dean/Ruby)
Title: Spin Him to the Ground
jacyevansLink: Count: 1045
Rating: PG-13
Status: Complete
Summary: She's in this for the long haul, and she always wins.
Why I fangirl this: I'll admit it. I have a deep addiction kink. And Sam's demon blood plot sucked me in from the beginning. This story is from Ruby's point of view and it just eats the characters right up. You can just feel all three of them. The format is lovely, with one scene leading into the next so naturally. Plus, the title comes from a Laura Marling song that is SO VERY MUCH the Sam and Dean theme song in my head and has been from the first time I heard it. So when I saw this fic posted, I ran to read. And I wasn't disappointed in the least.
Justified is my new one true love. I cannot even begin to describe my fangirlish devotion to this show. The characters are amazing, the storyline is tight and perfect, and it's just... enthralling to watch. (I'll admit to fangirling Elmore Leonard hard to begin with.) It's better than anything else on television.
Fandom: Justified (Art Mullens, gen)
Title: Five Things That Have Made Art Mullen Old Before His Time
vanillafluffyLink: Count: ~1000
Rating: PG
Status: Complete
Summary: Time for some backstory to explain how Art has gotten a little banged-up along the way.
Why I fangirl this: How can you not love Art? The man can deliver a one-liner like nobody's business, he's damn good at his job, and he totally has Raylan's number. The old man chase scene at the end of "Blaze of Glory" totally won my heart. And this fic explains, in such a beautifully concise way, why Art's best foot race days are behind him.
Fandom: Justified (Raylan/Boyd, Carol)
Title: Remembering the Classics
norgbelulahLink: Explicit
Status: Complete
Summary: Carol Johnson left an English Literature major at Columbia for Black Pike, a big paycheck, and the chance to cut the tops off of mountains, but that doesn’t mean she’s forgotten the classics.
Why I fangirl this: I could fangirl squee all over this story. One thing I love about Justified is the women. And this is Raylan/Boyd, but filtered through Carol Johnson's fantasy. It's a brilliant concept and so hot. Raylan is just irresistible and Boyd is as compelling (and holy hell, hot, did I mention that?) as ever, but Carol's voice is what really shines in this fic. Set during "The Spoil", I have no trouble believing this scene took place off screen.
Fandom: Justified (Boyd/Ava)
Title: Call Down the Stars in the Sky
norgbelulahWord Count: ~1500
Link: PG
Status: Complete
Summary: She only told him to get out because he seemed determined to leave and he hadn’t kissed her yet. Boyd went to the house again because he couldn’t help himself.
Why I fangirl this: My general reaction to Boyd/Ava moments on the show tends to be, "BOYD AND AVA, BOYD AND AVA, BOYD AND AVA!!!!", so it follows that I'm going to be drawn to the fic as well. This fic is just gorgeous. Spoilers through S2 ep10. It takes place during episode 10, and the pitch perfect exploration of Boyd's and Ava's inner monologues just takes my breath away. This choked me up, and I am not the type to choke up easily.
Star Trek reboot
I didn't go into this movie expecting to love it so much, or expecting that Star Trek (while a franchise I've enjoyed in the past) would end up on my fannish radar. But apparently it did.
Fandom: Star Trek reboot (Nero/Mandana)
Title: Forever
zagzagaelLink: Count: ~700
Rating: G
Status: Complete
Summary: Nero can return to Romulus now that his actions have created an alternate reality. Why doesn't he go home?
Why I fangirl it: It was so hard to choose just one
zagzagael fic to rec here. This one, though, really stands out to me. My undying love of all things Eric Bana aside. She humanizes Nero and makes you ache for him. Simply gorgeous and wrenching.
The Walking Dead
We've established my love for zombies, right? The Walking Dead is probably the best horror I've seen on television in a long time. The acting, the zombie effects, the storyline... Gah. I can't wait for it to come back in the fall.
Fandom: The Walking Dead (Glenn, gen)
Title: Status: Surviving
Link: Word Count: ~1100
Rating: Teen and up
Status: Complete
Summary: Two weeks before the world ended, Glenn had finally gotten on Facebook.
Why I fangirl this: Glenn is one of my favorite characters, and in this fic, he's reflecting on the last Facebook status he posted before the zombie apocalypse went down. The author manages to perfectly draw out Glenn's brilliance while letting him express fear and frustration and even hope. If you're familiar with The Walking Dead at all, you have to read this one.
Being Human (US)
I watch the UK version too, but this show has just stolen my heart. I love these characters like I know them, and I wish the online fandom was a bit bigger. Maybe next season. <3
Fandom: Being Human US version (Sally, gen)
Title: As It Passed Me By Flying
Author: EllieMurasaki
Link: Word Count: ~230
Rating: Teen and up
Status: Complete
Summary: Sally's a reader. Was a reader.
Why I fangirl this: Oh, oh, oh, I love Sally Malik. I love her vulnerability and her strength and her intensity. And in just over 200 words, you feel all those things here. This is so brief, yet so beautiful. It makes me ache for Sally, and all her limitations at the beginning of S1, but there is hope as well. It's one of those stories that delivers beautifully in very few words. I don't know a single bookworm who can't relate to the last lines.
So that's it. Hope you enjoyed. I've been loving all the great recs posts so far!
Mods, can we get tags for Being Human (US), The Walking Dead, and Numb3rs?