Fangirl Saturday

Oct 16, 2010 08:13

Good morning, fellow fangirls. I have an even dozen for this leg of the tour--a combination of stories with illustrations to go with them. I took that idea from a previous fangirl poster. Many thanks to her!

This is a hodge-podge of fandoms, including All the Small Things, StarGate Atlantis, Dracula, Peter Pan, King Arthur and Avatar. I have a few WIPs in there. I usually try to avoid those, but in such cases, the story is so well told, it's worth investing the time.

On with the show:

Fandom: All the Small Things
Title: Watching, Waiting
Author: Lavenderseaslug
Rating: PG
Word Count: 2750
Status: Complete

Author's Summary: So, "All the Small Things" only had six episodes. And finished airing a year ago. And I'm currently obsessed. And that's what this is about.

Why I fangirl this: I loved the series and was sorry to see it cancelled. Jake and Esther are one of my favorite OTPs because, despite their difference in age, they are a perfect match for each other. Jake is a fabulous contrast to Esther's straying husband who, while being physically older than Jake, is so much more immature. Bryan Dick as Jake Barton being some lovely eye candy certainly doesn't detract from the charm of the show or this pairing.

For pics of Jake and Jake with Esther, see the bryan_dick_fans LJ here:

Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Title: Hot Water
Author: Nika Dixon
Rating: M
Word Count: 3006
Status: Complete

Author's Summary: Written for One Sweet Love's Winter Exchange. The Two Share a Shower Together. What happens next.

Why I fangirl this: I am an enthusiastic Ronon Dex/Jennifer Keller fan, and Nika is one of my favorite authors who writes this ship. I have a special bias toward this story because she wrote it based on the prompt I submitted. Don't look for deep plot here, but the writing is lovely and the scene as steamy as the shower.

For an illustration of Ronon and Jennifer, see the gallery of Ronon-Keller on Deviant Art here:

Fandom: Avatar
Title: Tiger Burning Bright
Author: YFate
Rating: T
Word Count: 8968
Status: WIP

Author's Summary: I literally ran from the movie theater to pound this fanfic out. I couldn't leave Trudy Chacon hanging like that. I struggled with the title for the few days, as it's unimaginatively unoriginal, but it fit so well, I finally gave up the goat and kept it.

Why I fangirl this: Trudy Chacon was my favorite character in Avatar, and I thought it shame she wasn't utilized more in the film or given the opportunity to appear in a second Avatar (which we know is coming out later). This author does a great job of capturing Trudy's fierce and independent spirit. I also like the male OC as well. He's very Na'vi and his curiosity in Trudy is well played. A couple of too-quick spots in Chapter Four, but the story is good and shows great promise in future chapters.

For an illustration of Trudy, see the gallery of kruemel-sangerhausen on Deviant Art:§ion=&global=1&q=trudy+chacon#/d2i5vbg

Fandom: Dracula (novel)
Title: For Every Grief That's Offered
Author: Assimbya
Pairing: Dracula/Mina, Dracula/Vampire Brides, Jonathan/Mina
Rating: R
Word Count: 2367
Status: Complete

Author's Summary: AU. Alone and together, Mina and the Count grieve, sole survivors of a private war.

Why I fangirl this: While the fandom marked is supposed to be novel-based, the fact that it's AU reminds me a lot of the movie in many ways. I enjoyed it because it was very dark. The vampirism in its cruelty, seduction and barbarism is well-played here. I was sympathetic to both Mina and Dracula, despite the nature of their vampirism. Dracula here is dark, quietly vicious and an interesting dichotomy in cold-blooded actions and immortal sorrow. He isn't someone to cross and definitely doesn't sparkle. Be sure to read the warnings. This story was written to the "pain" prompt at 50_darkfics on LJ.

To see one of my favorite illustrations of Mina and Dracula, visit XxSanuyexX's gallery on Deviant Art:

Fandom: Peter Pan
Title: Only the Heartless
Author: Dollfayce
Pairing: Hook/adult Wendy
Rating: K+
Word Count: 37,107
Status: WIP

Author's Summary: There is only one way to fly.

Why I fangirl this: The dynamic between the adult Wendy and Hook here just seethes with sexual tension. Plus, the two play off each other very well with their banter. Hook's motivations, his near obsession with Pan are explained in a way that makes sense without turning Hook all fluffy. Peter, as the boy who never grew up, displays all the heartless characteristics of a narcissistic child living without the moderating hand of a parent. Wendy's view of Peter is fascinating as well since she now views him from the eyes of an adult.

To see a very arresting illustration of Hook and Wendy, please visit the gallery of Zigs1379 on Deviant Art:

Fandom: King Arthur
Title: Tristan's Choice
Author: Winsome Elf
Pairing: Tristan/OC (Arthur's sister Morgan)
Rating: M
Word Count: 28232
Status: WIP

Author's Summary: Tristan, the most enigmatic and disturbing of Arthur's knights, helps a damaged young woman begin a new life and loses the heart he never knew he had in the process. It won't be easy, and it won't be pretty. A Tristan/OC romance, hopefully not a Mary-Sue. I've had some doubts about the rating, but have decided on M for sexual situations and violence.

Why I fangirl this: Beautifully written-so much so that I'm not only recommending it despite it being WIP, but I think it may also be abandoned. Still, it's worth investing the reading time. This author does a fabulous job with both word craft and characterization. Her attention to historical detail is impressive, and there's a grittiness to the descriptions that put the reader right there in the heart of Roman Britain. Tristan is rough, bitter, sometimes brutal, noble, isolated and utterly fascinating in this tale. Morgan, with all her secrets and the nature of her background here in this story is equally interesting.

For an illustration of Tristan, see the gallery of SecondGoddess on Deviant Art:§ion=&q=tristan#/d1l9jhf

avatar: the last airbender, !official fangirl tour stop, peter pan, dracula - novel, stargate: atlantis, all the small things, king arthur

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