Fangirl Thursday: The late edition

Sep 11, 2009 00:51

First, I am sorry I am late. Any and all plain links will be replaced some time tomorrow.

Second, hello, this is me, cosmo-jenny, at your service.
My fangirl tour today includes recs for Harry Potter and Twilight.
The commom theme all recs have in common is - I think - that the romance in them is approached in a different way than you typically would guess.
Also, hardly any of these fics features your typical teenager/highschool drama type of romance.
It is grown-up romance, realistic romance and some romance with a pinch of fantasy romance (well, fantasy that is not Harry Potter or Twilight).
On this note, I leave you with my recs and hope you enjoy one or another story. :D

Fandom: Harry Potter
Title: Paradigm of Uncertainty
The Show that never ends
Hero with a thousand Faces
Author: Lori aka madlori
Link: Paradigm of Uncertainty
The Show that never ends
Hero with a thousand Faces
Rating: Paradigm of Uncertainty: PG13
The Show that never ends: R
Hero with a thousand Faces: R
Status: The first two stories are completed, Lori posted a summary of the last chapter of the third story.
Paradigm of Uncertainty: Nine years after graduating from Hogwarts, Charms fellow Hermione Granger again finds herself caught up in Harry Potter's mysterious life.
The Show that never ends: The Sequel to 'The Paradigm of Uncertainty' January 25, 2008...five months later...
Hero with a thousand Faces: As Harry and Hermione's wedding day approaches, they have to get to the bottom of the mysterious reapparance in their lives of... Ron? For any newcomers who are happening upon this story by accident, don't read it unless you've read the two that came before it, "The Paradigm of Uncertainty" followed by "The Show that Never Ends."
Pairing: Harry/Hermione for the most part.

Why I fangirl this:
A loaded question.
Lori is an incredibly talented writer that explored a lot of genre with this story arch (and the outtakes and AU stories).
It is one of TEH classics in the Harry Potter fanfiction and Harry/Hermione shipping world.
It is rich on details and backstory, a intriguing mix of crime and romance, seasoned with some sci-fi and fantasy.

Fandom: Harry Potter
Title: Three Thousand Days of Innocence
Author: cinnamon badge at FIA / cinnamon badge at
Link: At FIA At
Rating: Definitely Naughty/M/NC17
Status: In Progress
Summary: Draco Malfoy wasn't guilty of anything until no one could find him after the last battle... and to the Aurors, his absence spoke volumes about his culpability.
Pairing: Draco/Ginny

Why I fangirl this:
I love the pairing of Draco and Ginny. This story is a different approach to the fact that Draco Malfoy was a bastard during his years in Hogwarts. Ginny is a strong, loving woman in this story that fights for her lover. Cinnamon Badge created wonderful and unique new side characters for this.

Fandom: Harry Potter
Title: Dulce et decorum est
Author: Minisinoo / minisinoo_fic
Link: Medicine Wheel
Rating: Adult
Status: Dulce et decorum est is a work in progress
Summary: In a time of war, how does a crippled man feel when he's the one left behind? There are battles fought with fire and magic, and battles fought in the hearts of men. (AU, parallel canon to HBP)
Pairing: Cedric/Hermione (yes, expect loads of Robert Pattinson pictures)

Why I fangirl this:
This story arch has more than meets the eye.
Cedric and Hermione are wonderfully written. Their romance is "grown up", there is no typical love drama.
There is some political plot that is well thought through, there is a view of a student's life after Hogwarts.
Note that it is mandatory to read the first story 'Finding Himself' in this story arch before.

Fandom: Twilight
Title: In the Blink of an Eye
Author: thatwritr at / that_writr
Rating: M
Status: Completed
Summary: New Moon AU. Bella went cliff diving but it didn't turn out well. She broke her back. A decade later, Edward reappears in her life on the same night she loses her best friend and husband to a freak accident. She's not thrilled to see him. Eventual E/B

Why I fangirl this:
Where shall I start?
10 years after the cliff dive, everyone matured and went on with their lives.
This story gives you more than the typical Edward/Bella story, the insight into all the Cullens - be it Edward or be it Rosalie - is amazing.
This is an educated and feminist view of a really, reeeaaalllly credible AU.

Fandom: Twilight
Title: Mirrors
Author: adorablecullens
Link: at
Rating: M
Status: Completed
Summary: Teddy's secret and magical childhood is lost when a family heirloom is destroyed, changing his life forever. Now an adult, can Edward open himself back up to magic and love when he meets a beautiful - and hauntingly familiar - woman in real life?

Why I fangirl this:
It is Twilight mixed with "Where the wild Things are".
I don't know how else I can explain it.
It is a wonderful story about how meeting the right person (again) can make you a new person, how it can literally heal you.

Fandom: Twilight
Title: All the Places That Matter
Author: Willow
Link: At
Rating: NC17
Status: Completed
Summary: After her father dies, Bella Swan is thrown back into the arms of the family she believed she never really left. Sometimes the worst events become the best opportunties for change. AU-Human, BxE. Rated for language.

Why I fangirl this:
Evenly paced and almost sad. Realistic in a sense that Bella feels more at home with the Cullens than with Charlie. Incredibly sweet when Edward shows his love and his commitment to a stubborn Bella.

Fandom: Twilight
Title: Trust in Advertising
Author: vjgm
Link: At
Rating: R
Status: Completed
Summary: Bella Swan hasn't had an easy life. Just when she gets a chance to go to college and spread her wings, her life abruptly gets put on hold. Eight years later, she steps back into the real world and starts over. When she moves to San Francisco, she snags an entry level job with an advertising firm and crosses paths with the one person from her past she never expected to see again. Will it be everything she ever dreamed of or will it be her worst nightmare?

Why I fangirl this:
It is subtle and engaging in other ways than your usual B/E work fiction.
Two stubborn people almost too blind to see what lies in front of them.
A strong Bella that is willing to fight for Edward.
A wonderful Esme and a Jane that will make you shiver in your socks.

Fandom: Twilight
Title: Tropic of the Virgo
Author: In_a_blue_bathrobe
Link: At
Rating: NC17
Status: Completed
Summary: He's a young but jaded keyboard player writing lyrics for his band, Breaking Dawn, and she's a naive and frustrated poet looking to break out of her shell; their words collide on-line.
What happens when they meet in high school, unaware of their literary connection?

Why I fangirl this:
Oh, you can almost hear them singing and playing their instruments.
This story pulls me into some kind of emo fairy land.
It is sex, no drugs, and not necessarily rock'n'roll.

Fandom: Twilight
Title: The Tutor
Author: ItzMegan73
Link: At
Rating: M
Status: Completed
Summary: New student Bella Swan needs to break out of her shy exterior and her guidance counselor has the answer: tutoring. And Bella is too new to know she shouldn’t want to tutor Edward Cullen.

Why I fangirl this:
Rebellious Edward and studious Bella. It is not all smut.
It is about realizing about love and future.
This also features a Carlisle that is not always the sweet caring father figure in Edward's life.

Fandom: Twilight
Title: Bloodlines
Author: windchime
Link: At
Rating: NC17
Status: WIP
Summary: Edward reveals a secret from his human time which leaves Bella shocked and wondering just how well she knows the man she is about to marry.

Why I fangirl this:
Breaking Dawn AU. No Reneesme. But Dadward. And Human Bella.

Fandom: Twilight
Title: Eye Contact
Author: silver sniper of night
Link: At
Rating: M
Status: WIP
Summary: Bella Swan made a choice in life, one that led her to Edward Cullen. But are her feelings for him strong enough to survive the complications that will most certainly follow, as well as the disapproval of those around them? AU human, BxE.

Why I fangirl this:
Autistic Edward.
For everyone who has/had any insight into Autism, this is a must.

Fandom: Twilight
Title: Legacy
Author: AutumnDreamer
Link: At
Rating: M
Status: WIP
Summary: Edward’s dreams have been held back by his family’s poor financial status. His life is turned upside down when he meets Emmett Cullen. Can Edward survive the web of deception, secrets & lies? Will he ever know who he is truly meant to be? AU-Human

Why I fangirl this:
These two characters are so lovable in this story.
Edward is written so great.
And the plot idea will make your head spin.

Fandom: Twilight
Title: Just one of Guys
Author: SorceressCirce
Link: At
Rating: M
Status: WIP
Summary: Scarred by events in her past, Bella relies heavily on her best friend and roommate, Jasper. When Jasper falls in love with a girl named Alice, Bella is excited for him but can’t help but wonder - where will she fit in? Canon pairings, AH/AU, OOC

Why I fangirl this:
A careful exploration of love between Edward and Bella.
It is heart warming to see this Edward and Bella take the step into love.
I nearly cried when they first kissed and when Bella told Edward her story.

!official fangirl tour stop, twilight, harry potter

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