Originally I was going to do recs from small fandoms that get no love... some big fandoms sneaked in. I think it's a bit of a random mix so hopefully there is something for everyone. Didn't mean to do so many videos, but as I went through my favorites bookmarks they called to me and had to be included.
Fandom: Crossover - Chronicles of Narnia and Doctor Who
Title: Like an Onion Inside Out (The Doctor, the Queen, and the TARDIS Remix)
Author: spiralleds
http://spiralleds.livejournal.com/311937.htmlRating: PG-13
Status: Complete
Summary:The Doctor/Susan Pevensie- Sometimes endings are just the beginnings. Susan meets the Doctor during several points in her life.
Why I fangirl this: I love crossovers between fandoms that seem random to combine, but fit so well together. I always hated what happened to Susan, but I kinda feel better thinking she ended up meeting the Doctor.
Fandom: The OC
Title: Art Imitates Life
Author: silk_knickers Edit Tags
http://community.livejournal.com/theoc_slash/256757.html Rating: PG
Status: Complete
Summary: Futurefic. Inspired by Seth's drawing in S2, E1. - Seth creates a comic book inspired by the people around him (it was written before the show did that!)
Why I fangirl this: This is one of those sappy happy fics that I read when I'm cranky.
Fandom: Singin' In The Rain
Title: Grist for the Rumor Mill
Author: omorka
http://omorka-fics.livejournal.com/7440.htmlRating: PG
Status: Complete one shot
Summary: Cosmo/Don - There are several good reasons the gossip columnists shouldn't ask Cosmo for quotes about his best friend.
Why I fangirl this: I love this movie and it's so obvious to me that Cosmo was in love with Don and Don is of course clueless. This story is for me the perfect prequel to the movie.
Fandom: X-men (X-2) movieverse
Title: Beads
Author: the_larch
http://the-larch.livejournal.com/28918.html Rating: NC-17 for slash, blood and extreme PWP
Status: Complete one shot
Summary: Wolverine/Nightcrawler - "This," Logan pauses, tries to choose his words carefully and predictably fails, "self-mutilation thing...Why do you do it?" "Sin." Kurt looks away from Logan for the first time. "Do you know what it's like?"
Why I fangirl this: I love everything the_larch has every written so I knew I was going to pick something of hers. After much thought I picked one that wasn't my favorite (cause I could never pick just one), but one that I felt not enough people had read when it was first written and I think more people should experience the hot kinky action that she has written.
Fandom: Crossover - The Addams Family/Angel
Title: Her Beauty and Her Terror
Author: ijemanja
http://ijemanja.livejournal.com/62820.htmlRating: PG-13
Status: Complete
Summary: Amanda Buckman moved to California, changed her name, and became a vampire. Wednesday can't help but approve.
Why I fangirl this: More random crossovers! My all time favorite thing! All of the characters are so perfectly written. Harmony's voice is just dead on.
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Title: Four Quarters
Author: trinityofoneLink:
http://trinityofone.livejournal.com/60262.htmlRating: R
Status: Complete
Summary: Teyla is the beautiful one, Ronon is the enigmatic one, and Rodney, of course, is the genius one. But John, John is the star.
Why I fangirl this: I had a slight obsession with this series at one point. You don't need to be a fan or know anything about Stargate to read this. I normally hate fics in which it's a complete AU (ie no aliens in a Roswell fic, no magic in a Harry Potter fic ect), but for some reason the SGA fic writers seem to do a great job of keeping the characters true to themselves in a different situation. This, in my option, is one of the best of those. It's the Atlantis team as a band and I don't read bandom fics, but this almost made me start. If you like this be sure to check out the rest of the series. The fic Bootleg comes with mp3s of the "band's" music that I have saved to my ipod under a playlist for the Puddlejumpers (the fake band name) and I listen to it constantly and have added songs to that I thought the band should have sung... as I said obsession. All of the stories are on the author's site in the Four Quarter's 'Verse section. Check them out.
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Title: "The Epic Tale of Rodney & John, Two Girl Scout Cookies in Love,"
Author: bitter_crimson
http://bitter-crimson.livejournal.com/577790.html Rating: R -..... for bad bad naughtiness with marshmallows ;)
Status: Complete
Summary: The title really is the best summary ever. Picture heavy
Why I fangirl this: is is the very best crack. You need to check this out. I don't care if you know nothing about the Stargate franchise, you don't need to know anything to check this out. It is such a creative way to tell a "epic" love story.
Fandom: Fifth Element
Title: Public Interest
Author: Apathy
http://yuletidetreasure.org/archive/41/publicinterest.html Rating: PG
Status: Complete
Summary: A Interviewer tries to get some answers post-Fifth Element
Why I fangirl this: I love Leeloo. I love her answers! I love the style this was written in
Fandom: 10th Kingdom
Title: House of Red
Author: kazaamestisa
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=23hqPxsSwQc Rating: PG
Status: Complete
Summary: Fake trailer to the sequel to 10th Kingdom, House of Red. "18 years has past since those events that saved the 9 kingdoms had happened. Viriginia and Wolf happily live in NYC with their children. Their eldest child, Cole Wolf, fell in love with the heir to the throne of the house of red, Princess Greta. In doing so these lovers unravelled the secrets of the silent war between the wolves and the House of Red."
Why I fangirl this: I recently discovered the glory that is fake trailers... I would watch this movie in a heartbeat. I love the 10th Kingdom and it kills me that a sequel was never made. I can only dream this is a real trailer (quick someone write the fic! Why isn't there more good 10th Kingdom fic to fill the void in my life? )
Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Title: Good Night Sweet Girl
Author: VeiritiAfterTheFall
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m7ZNacT_wdERating: PG-13
Status: Complete
Summary: Buffy/Spike video set to Ghost of the Robot's Good Night Sweet Girl
Why I fangirl this: awww. It's been a while since I read any Buffy/Spike fic, but this made me feel all nostalgic for one of my original OTPs and combining the sound and footage of James Marsters singing was brilliant.
Fandom: The Host
Title: The Host fanmade movie trailer
Author: xsinfultragedy
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UMRwbMJeoOcRating: PG
Status: Complete
Summary: Fake fanmade trailer for what The Host could look like.
Why I fangirl this: I have tons of issues with the Twilight series, but I actually liked The Host and if this was the trailer for it I would be dying waiting for it and would be lined up for the midnight release. The casting for a lot of it was dead on and I can't imaging other people in most of these roles.
Fandom: Crossover - Doctor Horrible and Stargate Atlantis
Title: Doctor McKay's Sing-Along Blog
Author: firefly827347
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xlmUoSF2R7ARating: PG
Status: Complete
Summary: trailer combining Doctor Horrible trailer with footage from SGA
Why I fangirl this: It combines two of my favorite things! Doctor Horrible and Doctor Rodney McKay! ..and if you like that you should be sure to check out this Doctor Who/Doctor Horrible one (like how I slipped that in? ;) )
Fandom: Doctor Who
Title: Nobody Sees
Author: Seduff
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eWMGR6aJPZcRating: R
Status: Complete
Summary: video of what happened after the Doctor left AltTen and Rose in the other universe
Why I fangirl this: It's possible everyone and their grandma has seen this already... I don't care. I just recently discovered it and I love it so freaking much. It's totally canon for me. You just know that Alt10 had a hard time adjusting to being human and they both I'm sure had issues with the no more adventure with the Tardis and miss the running and took it out on each other. It is so well edited and looks so real.... be sure to stay through the credits.
Hope you enjoy them!