(no subject)

Aug 04, 2009 15:06

Hey eveyone, Sorry for not using a cut.  Everytime I do I lose half of my post!  Damn technology.....  *glares at monitor*

I'm all set to take a spin on the fangirl_tour  and hold up the slash end of things!  I dip into multiple fandoms, but there were so many hard choices to be made in the Harry Potter fandom, that I ended up pulling all 13 recs from that world, choosing works I’ve returned to again and again.  There’s variety-humor, drama, mystery, angst...  The common denominator being the high caliber of writing, and my personal love!  I hope you'll find something to tempt you. They’re among my very favorite stories by very favorite authors, so take is as read that I rec anything else written by these wonderful fandom contributors.  Riches, indeed!

Soooo…. let's start the tour...

Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing(s):  Harry/Draco
Title: Full Spectrum
Author: Olivia Lupin
Alternate link: author’s Skyehawke archive
Genre(s):  Drama, romance
Word count: ~52,000
Rating: R
Status: complete in 6 chapters
Author’s Summary: Draco Malfoy makes a very difficult decision prior to returning to Hogwarts for his sixth year, placing him on a path in life that he hadn't expected.  Following this path leads him to make other decisions, some of which involve Harry Potter...as the two boys work through their complicated history and build a working relationship, they come to a number of realizations--about loyalty, family, and each other.

Why I fangirl this: This is the fic which launched me into the tumultuous and passionate world of Harry and Draco; and the first sympathetic portrayal of Draco I’d ever read.  Lovely_slyth’s Draco is intelligent, literate, reasoned, cultured, accomplished, loving-an aristocratic son.  I was enthralled.  Through wonderful 1st person POV the reader witnesses Draco’s struggle to make sense of his parents’ choices regarding Voldemort, his own painful options, and choosing a path his conscience can endorse.  A sensitive, intelligent, “coming of age” fic which resonates with integrity and insight.  I adore this Draco, and the author’s light touch in bringing him to life makes you believe that this is the hidden Draco of canon-the one canon!Harry cannot see.  One of my very favorite fics.

Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing(s):  Harry/Draco
Title: The Business of Saving Souls
Author:  rurounihime
Alternate link: author’s Skyehawke archive
Genre(s):  Angst, romance
Word count: ~26,000
Rating: R
Status: complete
Author’s Summary:  Draco’s world is filled with ghosts, and not all of them are so easily banished.
My summary:  An “after the war” fic where Draco is shunned and reviled.  He struggles to support himself, and build a life by succeeding at his Ministry mandated work of banishing dangerous specters and other undead.  His encounter with Harry Potter raises personal specters of his own.

Why I fangirl this:  First and foremost, this is a wonderful romance, filled with the sweet angst of daring to hope and trust in the face of tough odds.   Both of these characters are damaged, and their connection has the ability to either heal or destroy.  Don’t we all love these stories?  But in addition, Rurounihime’s writerly skill adds delightful magical-world inventiveness, magnificent pacing, a wonderful OC, and a psychological depth to the characters worthy of any published author.  Her scenes are so vividly rendered that all the senses feel engaged.  When I read this fic, and I’ve read if often, I fall seamlessly and gladly into the exquisite world she creates.  I had no trouble choosing this rec.

Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing(s):  Snape/Lupin
Title: Voyage of The HMS Leviosa
Author: busaikko
Alternate link: at author’s fic website
Genre(s): non-magical AU, historical, adventure, romance
Word count: ~12,700
Rating: R
Status: complete
Author’s Summary:  Botanical geographer Severus Snape reawakens Lieutenant Lupin's interest in life, amongst other things.
My summary:  Remus Lupin is a lieutenant on the HMS Leviosa.  Naturalist Severus Snape is aboard to conduct a 2 year botanical survey of the South Sea islands.  A tentative friendship grows between the two men.

Why I fangirl this:  Well, as a lover of classics and historical fiction, I’m naturally pre-disposed to taking chances on seafaring, period, non-magical AU’s. :D    So to my delight, this fic delivered a satisfyingly accomplished tale-very commanding and sure.  The story is written in a credibly authentic voice, and the stylized prose is well delivered and “in period.”    The portrayals of ship-board life and depictions of the social mores and behaviors of the time rang true as well.  The author certainly did her research and it showed.  So, these aspects alone would have endeared the story to me.  But what raises this tale above being merely a wonderfully credible adventure fic, is the subtle and almost sub-textual story of Severus and Lupin, two gay men finding themselves attracted to each other in a period of history where such liaisons were not only frowned upon but dangerous.  How they forge a meaningful relationship within the cloistered and repressive society of shipboard life, but also the larger, condemning society of Victorian England is alternately touching, wrenching, heartwarming, and ultimately triumphant.  A tale for the ages, certainly.  Give it a try.

Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing(s):  Snape/Lupin
Title: Four Christmas Eves Where Severus Snape and Remus Lupin Fail to Communicate . . . and One Where They Succeed.
Sequel:  Five Full Moons With Nymphodora Tonks 
Author: sahiya
Alternate link:  at author’s fic website   4CE...   5FM...
Genre(s): angst, romance
Word count: ~6,600 & ~11,400
Rating: R
Status: complete in 2 parts
Author’s Summary:  see title
My summary:  Remus is in a long-term relationship with Nymphodora Tonks, but somehow on 4 consecutive Christmas Eves he ends up on Severus Snape’s doorstep.   In “Five Full Moons…”, while Tonks is pregnant with his child, Remus brings Snape into their lives as his lover.

Why I fangirl this: Early in my fandom experience (and I came into HP fandom on the Snupin ship, so very early.  ;-)) I was haunted for weeks by the portrayal of Snape in this fic.  On the surface he was everything I’d come to know from canon-snarky, irascible, impatient.  But with consummate skill, Sahiya showed the essential Snape beneath-the man of feeling, of honor, of sensitivity.  Breathtaking!  This is not a fluffy fic.  It’s real, and raw, and potent, without the fairytale ending.  Be prepared to be moved and be prepared to feel.

Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing(s):  Snape/Harry
Title: The White Road
Author: perverse_idyll
Alternate link:  at Walking The Plank
Genre(s): angst, romance
Word count: ~45,000
Rating: NC-17
Status: complete
Author’s Summary:  One day, comfortably set up in the afterlife, Lily Evans Potter switches on the telly and gets hooked on the Harry Potter show.
My Summary:  In the afterlife, Lily is given a magical device which allows her to see possible futures for loved ones still alive.  When she focuses on Harry, and the choices he may make, Snape is pulled into the mix.   
Why I fangirl this:  This is an immaculately written fic.  Perverse_idyll’s word-crafting is amazing.  And she’s wonderfully inventive, creating a divinely clever premise, a wonderfully balanced, non-linear timeline, superb action, imaginative additions to the magic of the Potterverse, and amazing, surprising, and revealing dialog.  The sheer variety of writerly tools she employs is stunning.  But what puts this fic at the top of my all-time favorites list, is the author’s amazingly deep look into the psychology of Snape.  Her device to do so is inspired-Lily.  Who better than a perceptive childhood friend, privy to so many hidden aspects of Snape’s early life, to offer insight into the complex psyche of such an enigmatic character.  Through Lily, Perverse_idyll's revelations are no less than riveting.  I hope you'll take a chance on this amazingly powerful fic--my #1 rec.

Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing(s):  Snape/Harry
Title: Deconstruction; A Writer’s Tale
Author: empathic_siren
Genre(s): meta, humor, romance
Word count: ~4,700
Rating: PG-13
Status: complete
Author’s Summary:   What is love but a contrivance? Let us, gentle reader, deconstruct love and determine for ourselves what it is and what it isn't.
My Summary:  The UST between Harry and Snape is used as a vehicle to examine the nature of love.

Why I fangirl this:  I love the delicious self-consciousness of this piece.  The author listed “high-concept meta” in the warnings, and that’s as close to a sensible description as I can come-except to add “exquisitely funny and creative, with brilliant dialog and lovely narration.”  *g*   It’s a short one-shot…Go see how it’s done.

Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing(s):  Remus/Draco
Title: The Fields of St. Herve
Author: arsenicjade
Genre(s): angst, romance
Word count: ~33,000
Rating: R
Status: complete
Author’s Summary:   Draco’s a bit down on his luck
My Summary: After the war, werewolf!Draco learns to trust in friendship and make a place for himself  in the world.
Why I fangirl this:  I’m a bit of a sucker for ‘down on his luck’ Draco, and a huge fan of slow-build stories, so this fic is a double pleasure.  Arsenicjade uses a superb first person POV to get us inside the head and heart of a lost and lonely Draco forced to meet the world on terms he’d never been raised to expect.  Near destitute, orphaned, shunned, and now a dark creature, Draco is caught in a hostile world with only his wits and determination to guide him.  This is another fic, like Full Spectrum, which makes a beautiful case for a Draco we can admire.

Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing(s):  Ron/Draco
Title: Seeing
Author: cynthia_arrow
Genre(s): angst, romance
Word count: ~10,300
Rating: NC-17
Status: complete
Author’s Summary:   About ten years post-DH. Ron and Draco work together at the Ministry of Magic, and they build up an odd friendship, born mostly out of loneliness and being at a confusing stage of life.

Why I fangirl this:  Another slow-build fic. *sigh*  I love this story for the author’s steady build of a solid, maturing Ron who’s introspection needs space, and a Draco who’s come to a semblance of terms with his past and his new place in the world.   Like the fic’s name implies, this is a story about noticing what’s been in front of you all along.  Ron’s astonishment that he no longer hates his childhood nemesis, his growing curiosity about him, and then tentative inching towards friendship is beautifully crafted, written with the lightest of touches and a lilting cadence which is almost poetic at times.   This was one of the fics that helped me to fall in love with Ron-smart, honest, strong, and loving.  Guh….  Go see for yourself.     (And Draco’s no slouch, either! )

Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing(s):  Percy/Teddy
Title: Bothersome Things
Genre(s): crack humor, romance
Word count: ~9,900
Rating: NC-17
Status: complete
Author’s Summary:   This is a story about how my gay uncles both tried to seduce my gay... cousin. Brother. Half-godbrother? Never mind. I don't even know what he is. Anyway. My uncles are sort of pervy. Well, Uncle Charlie especially. I don't think Percy really knew what he was getting into. What? Like I wasn't going to watch. It was summer hols and I was bored. Cut me a break, yeah?

Why I fangirl this:  Hmmmm…. Tough to say why I fangirl this particular fic out of the scores I could have chosen from amongst this author’s works, but let’s just say it’s my humor rec and get to the real point which is read this author!  …anything  ….everything  …often!  Because you won’t be disappointed.  Rocked, maybe…. or, touched, hurt, amused, enthralled, stunned, shocked-any number of responses, but all of them strong.  You get the picture.  ~_^   Snegurochka_lee’s range is amazing-not just the array of genres she masters, but also the sheer variety of tone, style, voice, theme, construction, pairings(!) she commands-she’s amazing.  And if you like her works?  Lucky you, because she’s also one of the most prolific writers in HP fandom and you’ll have many, many hours of reading pleasure ahead of you.  Lucky, lucky you….  :D

Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing(s):  Dumbledore/Grindelwald
Title: For Blood and Wine Are Red
Author: penknife
Alternate link: author’s fic website
Genre(s): angst
Word count: ~5,600
Rating: R
Status: complete
Author’s Summary:   It's not that Albus doesn't know better.
My Summary:  Newly head-of-household Albus wrestles with reconciling familial obligations against longed for personal pursuits, stuck in Godric’s Hollow while the world awaits.  The arrival of Gellert Grindlewald throws everything into disarray. 
Why I fangirl this:  I doubt I have the skill to adequately describe the power of this fic, but it is powerful, and masterfully written.   There’s a tension which grows almost unbearable throughout the fic as more and more of the backstory to Albus’ first encounters with the seductive and charismatic Gellert Grindlewald start him on the descent into the defining mistakes of his youth.  The author’s grasp of understated detail and suggestion absolutely define the concept of “show, don’t tell,” drawing you emotionally into the story, scene by scene, until you’re completely subsumed.  (I recognized this only after several readings-Penknife’s craft is virtually invisible without looking with intention.)  I came away from this fic shaken, amazed, and a little bit awestruck.  The highest of marks…

Now for some art…

Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing(s): Snape/Lupin
Title: Grooming
Artist: ghot
Rating: G
Artist’s Prompt(s):  (submitted by hogwartshoney  to lupin_snape). "Grooming an animal is a one-on-one endeavour which can be a very bonding experience between animal and groomer. Severus secretly enjoys grooming Moony during the night of the full moon and particularly likes untangling his tail with a wide-toothed comb. Moony isn't always eager to begin the process, often preferring to expend some of his energy hunting outside or pacing back and forth inside if the weather is foul, but once he acquiesces, the werewolf enjoys it almost as much as Severus. Gentle lighting a plus, fireside or cozy scene, Moony splayed out on his side mostly-asleep. Severus' contentment."
Why I fangirl this:  One of the reasons I’m drawn to fanon Snape is that he has such maddening difficulty with intimacy and vulnerability, even with a loving partner.  So there’s something almost sacred and healing in this portrait of Snape, at peace and uncharacteristically revealed in his private time with Lupin, the wolf.  Ghot is an amazing artist and she’s captured Snape in an incredibly open expression and intimate mood-so private and tender.   I really love this work!

Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing(s): Harry/Draco
Title: Samhain Night
Artist: blackbloodrunya
Rating: PG-13
Artist’s Prompt(s):    (prompts submitted by kluminia  tohd_fanart )
     Time-period or theme: Samhain costume ball, post war
     Place: Malfoy manor or gardens
     Emotion: passion, yearning
     Sense: touch, taste, smell
     Object: exposed dragon tattoo
     Action: licked wrist, forceful attention, earring
     Mood: candlelight/moonlight
Why I fangirl this:  This is just flat-out one of my favorite fanarts, evar!  It’s sensual, and suggestive, and fanciful, and emotive, and provocative, and unbearably lovely.

Just go look!

Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing(s): Snape/Harry
Title: The Weight of Secrets
Artist: ponderosa
Rating: PG-13
Artist’s Prompt(s): (submitted to 2008 snarry_games  under “Genre: Romance”) Masquerade, Point of No Return
 Why I fangirl this:  Another intensely evocative work.  It’s almost unfair to pull a Ponderosa rec from the hundreds of pieces of fanart I love because she’s so well-known and high-profile, but I just can’t help how enamored I am of this work!  I love the colors and the drama of the composition with it’s delicious sub-text of illicit encounters, and the predatory positioning of Snape over Harry...  But most of all I love the look of complete surrender and abandon on Harry’s face.  Guh!  Snarry at it’s best!

!official fangirl tour stop, harry potter

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