Friday the 13th - Next stop on the fangirl tour

Jun 13, 2008 11:04

Woooh, yeah! Friday the 13th, and I get to post my lists for the fangirl tour. I hope this means something portentous (in a good way of course). ; )

Here are my baker’s dozen. I’ve included stories from the following ‘verses: Harry Potter, Labyrinth, Peter Pan, Star Trek, Pirates of the Caribbean and Ivanhoe. I like a little variety in my fanfic cocktail so thought I’d list stories from several places. There are a gazillion other stories by fantastically talented writers, but I can’t list them all here.

Luckily, many of my favorite writers and stories are housed on a single archive, so it’s a one-stop shop for the most part.

On with the show.

1. Ron and the Beanstalk Potion by wiccarowan

Summary: Harry Potter meets fairy tales with a resounding crash, debris, carnage and probably a flaming wheel rolling from the wreck. Not a serious story. At all.

Comments: Good comedy is hard to write; I don’t even attempt it. Wicca Rowan has a real knack for it. This tale is a twist on a well-known fairytale and had me laughing from word one. Even if you don’t like Ron Weasley, you will love this story.

Complete - HP universe.

2. Home by wiccarowan

Summary: As any fan of the dramatic will tell you, events have a nasty habit of repeating themselves. Sarah could have told Alice not to make a wish if she doesn't want it to come true.

Comments: A far more serious tale that is again a twist on an old favorite. One of the most original and creative ideas I’ve seen in the Labyrinth universe. Beautifully told and well-written. Explores the darkness that is madness and regret as well as the strength found in loyalty and love.

WIP - Labyrinth universe

3. The End of Days by dmacabre - Danse Macabre

Summary: Nineteen-year old Sarah is back home from college over Christmas vacation, and she's long given up on the Labyrinth and her friends as being just another fantasy she's outgrown. But when Hoggle appears in her mirror with a plea for help, she's dragged back to the Underground. Dire things are happening in the Labyrinth, and Sarah might be the only one who can save it... and the Goblin King.

Comments: Another Labyrinth tale by an extraordinarily talented writer. The first time I read this story, I was stunned to find out she wasn’t published (and couldn’t figure out why not) and briefly considered an assassination attempt, because it just isn’t fair that someone should write so well with such seemingly effortless grace.

Danse takes the Labyrinth and runs with it, creating a world and space that fits canon but spins a life of its own. A richly detailed story, filled with lush description and a simmering heat between Jareth and Sarah. Her antagonist in the tale is just as fascinating as her leads and was given a brief story of his own-one you should read once you’ve finished this one.

Complete - Labyrinth universe

4. Dueling with Dolts by shadowycat

Summary: Have you ever wondered why Snape ended up assisting Gilderoy Lockhart with the Dueling Club instead of Professor Flitwick, who was apparently a champion dueler in his youth?

Comments: This writer gives airtime to many of the HP characters often shoved into the background of fanfiction. This story, which made me snicker the entire time, concentrates on a scene between Flitwick and Lockhart. No, no slash at all-just a fantastic snapshot of Flitwick putting a dent in Lockhart’s overweening vanity in his own subtle way.

Complete - Harry Potter universe

5. Fickle Fanfiction by shadowycat

Summary: Why does Hermione get to decide who gets all the sex in fanfiction? Flitwick wants to know.

Comments: Another funny tale by Shadowycat. Actually, this one had me howling with laughter. A hilarious parody on the popularity of Hermione in fan fiction. What can’t you like about a discussion between professors all gathered in the shower?

Complete - Harry Potter universe

6. A Matter of Trust by hereswith

Summary: There is a pirate in the widowed Elizabeth Turner's kitchen, yet again. Set some years after the end of the movie.

Comments: It will seem like I’m reccing this author quite a bit. I am. Besides being one of my favorite, she is also prolific in several fandoms, and I think you should get a small taste of all of her stuff because it’s all fantastic.

This particular tale is short but gorgeous. AU now, but who cares? The interaction between Jack and Elizabeth just solidifies my belief that these two should have been paired together in the film. If you like a Matter of Trust, go on and read Reason to Believe and those following it.

Complete - Pirates of the Caribbean universe

7. Deus Vult by hereswith

Summary: What if Rebecca of York had not refused to leave when Brian de Bois-Guilbert arranged for their escape from Templestowe?

Comments: Did you ever see A&E’s production of Ivanhoe? Ciaran Hinds played Brian de Bois Guilbert - the “villain” who was actually the anti-hero in my opinion. The man stole the show. His interaction with Susan Lynch as Rebecca of York just knocked my socks off. I own the DVD finally and have watched it several times.

I’ll warn you now there’s a touch of spoilery in this tale, but well-worth reading, even if you haven’t seen the film. In fact, it will probably inspire you to see the film. If you want a quick summary, read this article:

Hereswith captured the heart and spirit of the Guilbert/York pairing and gave those of us who are fans of these two a scene and an ending to love. Thank you, dear!

Complete - Ivanhoe universe

8. Dream’s Edge by hereswith

Summary: Wendy is all grown up, but when she dreams of Neverland, she doesn't dream of Peter Pan.

Comments: I’ve always liked Jason Isaacs. His portrayal of Lucius Malfoy is drool-worthy, but I thought I’d combust when I first saw him playing Captain Hook in Peter Pan. Luckily, there was fan fiction to read to satisfy my new-found admiration for James Hook. And one of my favorite authors had written a hint of a pairing between an adult Wendy and Hook. Run, don’t walk, to read this one.

Complete - Peter Pan universe

9. Revenant by djarum99

Summary: My response to potcfest prompt #5 - “Jack, Elizabeth, Teague, Shipwreck Cove, and ghost stories.”

Comments: I had to think a long time which of the PotC fics by this author I wanted to recommend. They are all wonderful fics, each one a work of art expressed in words. Really, I recommend you read everything she’s written. I chose this one because it struck a chord and haunts me even months after reading it. A ghostly tale, both sinister and sad, with a dreamlike quality that spins a bewitching web around the reader.

Complete - Pirates of the Caribbean universe

10. The Best Revenge by scatteredlogic

Summary: Lucius Malfoy instructs Hermione Granger on the finer points of revenge.

Comments: There isn’t a fiction written by Slogic that I haven’t liked, but this one remains my all-time favorite by her. The interaction between Hermione and Lucius is priceless, and I don’t even much care for Hermione. Also love the interaction between Lucius and Snape. Her dialogue makes it very easy to understand why Lucius and Snape were friends in school and why Lucius and Hermione could find something in common between them. There is also a smokin’ hot scene in this story-one that is neither graphic nor crass but will make your monitor steam as you read it.

Complete - Harry Potter universe

11. The Bowtruckle War by Melissande88

Summary: Years after the war with Voldemort has ended, Hermione buys a quiet house and garden to gain a little peace, only to find that her next door neighbour is none other than Severus Snape. HBP compliant.

I’ve mentioned several times that I’m not a fan of the Snape/Hermione pairing - mostly because I just don’t care for the Hermione character overall. However, I do have a few SS/HG fics I truly love. This is one of them. I love this writer and envy her equally. She is one of my treasured betas, and I often look to her writing to motivate me to try harder and write better. The Bowtruckle War is a brilliant, witty tale in which not only are the leads a pleasure to read but so is the bowtruckle. This remains one of my favorite tales overall, no matter the ‘verse or pairing.

Complete - Harry Potter universe

12. Un Livres des Herbes Foncees, A Dark Herbal by The Stars Hold Nine Serpents

Summary: A scientist attempts to explain the magic at Hogwarts, but is ill-prepared for what she discovers - especially when her discovery involves the enigmatic Snape. A dark and Gothic tale.

I was a little hesitant at first to post this rec; not because it isn’t top-notch (because it is) but because it will most likely not be finished by the author. However, this is such an exquisitely written fanfic, I had to rec it. Beautifully structured and described, creative in its approach, stunning in its delivery, A Dark Herbal remains my all-time favorite story ever written. I can’t even be envious of this author’s extraordinary talent because I’m in too much awe of her ability. I could write 100 more sentences bloated with superlatives describing my love of this fanfic, but I’ll stop here.

This tale is a Snape/OFC pairing. Don’t let the OFC stop you. She is amazing and very much NOT a Mary Sue character. Snape is stunning - shrewd, enigmatic, bitter and sly with a latent sexuality that oozes off the pages. The sexual tension between these two will make sweat break out on your forehead.

Please read. Even if you’re not into Harry Potter, this tale will blow you away. The writing is reminiscent of a gothic style but ramped up to make it even better.

WIP (possibly abandoned, but so beautiful who cares?) - Harry Potter universe

13. Holography by Pat Foley

Summary: Holography is a long series that explores the depth and breadth of the relationship between Sarek and Amanda, Spock’s parents. The time is confined to their younger years just prior and shortly after Spock joins Starfleet and goes to the Academy. The series also delves into the psychology and history of Vulcans as well as the dangerous sexual itch called Pon Far to which all Vulcan males are subjected.

Comments: I found this fanfic author via ScatteredLogic when she posted her own personal fangirl tour some time back. I don’t read Star Trek fic, but this one caught my attention.

Foley is a master at exploring emotion from both a human and non-human standpoint as well as offer a poignant insight into an alien culture as seen through the perspective of a transplanted human woman. The highs and lows of marriage are also included, familiar in their many issues to those of us in any long-term relationships but also unique since this is a union between two people of different worlds, where not only culture and psychology are different, but physiology as well.

There were times when this series had me standing up and walking away from the PC to catch my breath - whether from anger or sorrow, frustration or sheer relief. Foley manages to wring her readers dry with this series and does it with a deft and subtle hand. A very talented writer - I hope to see a published novel by her some day.

I’ve linked to her website so you can see the full listing of the Holography series. It’s pretty self-explanatory. Just start with Volume One.

!official fangirl tour stop, peter pan, labyrinth, ivanhoe, star trek - the original series, pirates of the caribbean, harry potter

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