Tudorpot here

May 30, 2008 01:39

My first ventures into social networking and discussion on the Internet came when I joined Lord Peter, a yahoo group discussing Dorothy L. Sayers, Lord Peter Wimsey mysteries. Another yahoo list closely associated with it, Piffle, was where off topic conversations moved to. Now Piffle is it's own wonderful place where books, food, travel, everyday life and more books are discussed. It's through Piffle that I found fan fiction. While on a vacation with other pifflers in 2005, my dear friend Squirrel/Grada introduced me to a fellow piffler's brilliant HP fanfic; Lust over Pendle. Once I had gobbled that up, I was hungry for more. This lead me to the Pit of Voles and onwards to moderated archives and to my current addiction to LiveJournal. I started to read Harry Potter in 2004 and joined Livejournal in 2006.

Prior to starting a journal here, I had visited links to fics here but not understood much about the site. I was endlessly getting lost trying to find more fics by the same author, or following chapters, hitting the previous and next icons and not finding what I wanted. What finally brought me to LiveJournal was the desire to find more chapters of "The Summoning", Bambu's WIP. At one point, she posted a note on her Ashwinder page that a teaser to an upcoming chapter was posted at her LJ. My desire to read was so much that I ended up posting my first ever comment to LJ and then discovering that if I had a journal I would hear back. That as they say, was the beginning of a beautiful if not addictive friendship with fandom.

I have a small number of fandoms that I read, Harry Potter, P.G. Wodehouse, Lord Peter Wimsey, Mary Russell and Jane Austen. I am not reccing any Austen fics as I lost my bookmarks and haven't had time to reconstruct them. thanks to
scatteredlogic for the fangirl tour.

What I look for in a fic are good characterisations, interesting plot, and great writing. Wit, lively banter and humour win me every time. I do like to see some connection with canon- I'm not a canon fanatic, but Draco will never be the Big Kahuna for me! In Harry Potter fic I love magic, especially when the author creates new magic or uses canon magic creatively. I do like them to stick to what canon has limited magic to- I hate clothing be transfigured from a rock or twig, as that is so far from canon to be ridiculous. As for pairings, while my OTP for Harry Potter is Hermione/Severus, I read almost all genres and pairings (I am allergic to RW/HG). These recs contain possible spoilers.

Harry Potter

1. Lust over Pendle by A.J. Hall (Draco/Neville)

The writing is lyrical, excellent use of canon and scene setting is done so deftly it's seamless. A mixture of drama, hurt/comfort, mystery and humour with a small side of romance. While this is a slash fic, the sexual aspect of their relationship is less stressed than the true caring the two have for each other. Augusta Longbottom almost steals the show, you will love her. Set in the style of a Golden Age mystery, with a dollop of comedy of manners. This is a fic not to be missed by any Harry Potter fen. There are a number of stories in the verse, you don't need to read them in order to enjoy them, but you will want to after reading this. I'm not going to write any more about it-go here and read this review. http://geoviki.livejournal.com/6442.html This fic is one of few that has been typeset and available in e-reader, ready for PDA or other e-reader platforms.

"Well, I suppose I could try to get a job. Can't say what I'm actually qualified for, though. I mean, all the guidance I can ever remember on the subject assumed 'Heir Apparent to the Dark Lord's Number Two' was my only viable career option, really. Perhaps I should set up as a consultant, pointing out the great glaring clangers in would-be Evil Overlords' cunning plans. Soul destroying work, but someone's got to do it."


"Naturally, in the aftermath of Recent Events, when the wizard world had leisure to think once more, the question of Why? tended to arise. Various far-fetched theories were spun as to what exactly had happened the night Draco Malfoy went out to murder Hermione Granger, and returned some hours later, to tell his father that, actually, he thought becoming a Death Eater was a rotten idea, and he'd rather be excused.

Perhaps the best explanation was, after all, the simplest: Voldemort, whose grasp of his own psychology was, by that time, slipping considerably, had simply failed to appreciate that dislike, even intense dislike, is much further from hatred than it appears. Killing someone whom you have seen across the breakfast table for nearly half your life cannot be comfortably classified as mere garbage disposal, or the clinical negativing of a subject, however much you may have cringed inside at every bite of toast they ate for every breakfast of every week of that time."


2. A Thousand Beautiful Things by Duinn Fionn
geoviki (Harry/Draco)

In order to counter a curse Lucius placed on Harry Potter, years before, but only activated upon his death, Draco takes a secret vow. He must maintain it's requirements for six months and five weeks and four days and three hours and two minutes and one second; without telling a soul what or why he is doing it. His future depends on breaking this curse, only when he becomes closer to Harry does he learn how much he stands to lose if he fails. The writing is this fic is outstanding, you are transported into the story completely. Wonderful, full of emotion with brilliant characterisations and dialog. Harry/Draco

"But magic never forgot as easily as wizards too often did. Predictable, inescapable, destined, the spell had been veiled like a secret cancer. Hidden until the fateful day when Lucius could no longer struggle against the emptiness in his soul, and he'd escaped forever. Dead. Then the poisonous words of the spell came to life in the wake of his mortality."

3. Big Name Death Eater  by
shiv5468        (Hermione/Severus)

Brilliant humour, witty dialog and adroit plot make this trio of fics well worth reading again and again. Shiv's Snape is wily, sneaky, sarcastic and sexy. Under the cloaks of her Death Eaters, lie men who if given their druthers would rather play darts and have a pint with the lads.
camillo1978 has drawn some clever/brilliant for this fic.

“Oh, for fuck’s sake,” said Severus, watching The Lads attempt to select a candidate. “We are not playing scissors, paper, stone to decide who goes. Can we at least try to look like dangerous Death Eaters instead of bloody schoolchildren?”
“Well, what do you suggest: spin the bottle?” sneered Bloodnok.
“No. You just volunteered,” Severus smirked. “That’s what comes of asking stupid questions and really getting on my wick. I get enough of that at school, and you really ought to know better by now. Now off you go.”


4. The Summoning by
bambu345   (Hermione/Severus)  (WIP, but can be enjoyed quite fully as is)

Hermione undertakes a self-created ritual based on Muggle and Magical writings. Not knowing if she will survive or if it indeed will work. Unable to discuss her theory, she risk her life so that Harry can have the one thing he needs to make it possible to survive, Sirius Black. Success is a double-edged sword bringing more complications to bear on Hermione, and those who will fight Lord Voldemort. I love the magical rituals in this story, the creative attention to detail. Bambu's writing is well known and widely enjoyed, I won't waste my few skills trying to describe hers. While this is a WIP, she has continued to write and intends to complete this epic. Links to fanart can be found at her journal. Hermione/Severus

The young witch stood long enough to know where to return, and holding the Rowan summoning staff in her right hand -- the gift from Mr. Ollivander -- Hermione began the Consecration of the Circle. Once again commencing at North, she walked the perimeter of the circle, using the staff to draw the demarcation in the earth. She’d practiced enough that not even a crystal of salt or a piece of the sacred nine fell outside the boundary traced by the ancient protection of the Rowan.
Once the perimeter was fully traced, the Brains of the Dream Team returned to the center point: the place reserved for the Spirit, the soul of the circle. She spread her feet in a comfortable stance, and began to cast the magical circle with the Rowan. Power flared from its tip, and the pyromantic blue flame she’d been able to call since she was ten ignited, a steel blue spark arcing to land within the depression created by the staff as Hermione’s words accompanied its tracings.

“This is my boundary
The circle of sacred ones
By Oak, Apple, Holly and Ether
Naught but love shall enter in
Naught but love shall emerge from within
Old Ones, charge this by your powers”
At the last word, golden light suffused the length of magically enhanced Rowan.


5. Corridors of Power  by
byblythe (Harry/Draco)

Move Harry and Draco into the Palaces of Westminster, (UK Houses of Parliament) Harry as an MP, Draco, Viscount Malfoy in the Lords. Sprinkle in brilliant wordplay, muggle/magical politics, sexual tension, and the brilliant panalopy of British political life and you have this wonderful fic. Another fic that has been presented brilliantly with great attention to detail, typography and layout, pictures and footnotes take you further into the story.

"It's amazing what archaic little practices this place still has," Draco shook his head. "But it's reassuring, isn't it? One's representative really is at the beck and call of the populace."
Harry narrowed his eyes. "You are not my populace."
"Am now. I bought one of those new developments behind the Tate. You are now officially my--"
"Please do not say mem--"

"Harry squinted one eye shut and tipped his head to the side. "You think just because you look all--" he waved his hand in the air in a gesture that Draco chose to interpret as ngghh, fuckable, "--all, whatever--that I'll get up in the Commons and say, oops, no, changed my mind?"


6. Dances with Witches by
pearle9240 (Hermione/Severus)(WIP, but can be enjoyed quite fully as it is)

Severus loses a magical bet with Dumbledore, his forfeit is to undertake to learn the tango and perform the dance at Hogwarts, wearing a costume with a codpiece. Hermione and Severus are in character in this romantic comedy. Mix in some potions, academic misbehaviour and sex magic and you have this Multi-faceted Award winning fic. The pace of the romance is realistic, they don't end up in bed at the end of the first chapter. A relationship is built steadily both on the professional and personal levels. One of the most amusing scenes is when Severus eats pizza for the first time. Hermione/Severus

A small black triangle of fabric was sticking out from under the papers. Severus pulled the fabric out from under as Hermione walked back into the room wearing a black leotard, a dance skirt, and heels. He held the scrape of fabric gingerly between his fingers as he examined it. “Have you decided to make our costumes? This is not a cod-piece, Miss Granger. The design was supposed to be a snake not a rose. And I dare say it is much too small.” Severus smirked at her obvious discomfort.
Hermione blushed a deep shade of red. She grabbed the swatch from his hand and shoved it into the basket. A quick flick of her wrist and the basket was on its way to her bedroom. “No, Professor. That is not a cod-piece. I will have some suggestions for our costumes next week. Shall we start the dance lesson?”
Severus did not move. “Is that an eye patch for another costume? Why the rose?”
Hermione covered her eyes with her hand. “That is not a part of any costume. Can we get on with the dance lesson?”
“If it is not a part of a costume, what is it?” He stood with his arms crossed, looking questioningly at her.
“Professor, can we dance? What does it matter what it is?” Hermione stepped forward….
His voice was low, seductive, “Miss Granger, the object in question seems to have a decided affect upon you. It appears to be nothing more than two triangles of fabric with a bit of string between them. I dare say a dark spell could not have upset you more. I would like to know what it is that seems to be disturbing you so.”
Hermione decided he was enjoying her discomfort way too much. “That piece of fabric, Professor, is a thong if you must know.” Could she be any more mortified?
Severus looked puzzled. “A thong? What is its purpose?”
Hermione looked at him. He couldn't be serious could he? “You don't know what a thong is?”
“If I knew, do you think I would have asked you?” He was back to being annoyed.
Hermione laughed. “It's underwear, Professor. Sort of abbreviated knickers.” It seemed it was his turn to blush tonight. She laughed harder as a pink tint colored his cheeks.
“I do not have all night. Can we start the lesson now please?” Severus was mortified. Knickers? Her knickers? She wore that scrap of fabric? Images of Hermione in nothing but “The Thong” as his mind had now catalogued it tried to overtake his thoughts.


Harry Potter/Rumpole Crossover

7. Rumpole and the Killing Curse by
catherinecookmn (WIP) (Severus/Hermione/Rumpole gen)


Rumpole is a one of my lifetime favourite characters, written by the prolific author, John Mortimer. When I find myself needing a comfort read, I reach out for Rumpole. As an aged, junior Barrister, Rumpole believes in several things; fighting for the underdog, never pleading guilty, the health benefits of Château Thames Embankment and the Golden Thread of British justice. Rumpole somehow manages to find his form of justice in Chambers and at The Old Bailey but never at the mansion flat on the Gloucester Road, where "She Who Must Be Obeyed" reigns. I'm reccing this in hopes of shaming the author into finishing it because it's, clever and funny. There are added parts in comments provided by
shiv5468. Hermione/Severus

He was a tall, sneering man, black-clad, with black stringy hair and black eyes like the bottom of a freshly-dug grave.
I didn't think it was possible for Mr. Snape's sneer to have got more bitter. Little did I know of Mr. Snape.
"Miss Granger," he said, in a BBC-presenter's voice laden at once with vitriol and a sort of perverse pride, "has the arrogance of youth. She believes in -- " here he paused, the better to let the vitriol sink in " -- 'the golden thread of British justice.'"
"And well she should," I replied, somewhat irritated. This Snape fellow was a bit of a wet blanket, and liable to be a difficult client. But I had dealt with far worse than him in my time; I'd even managed to get most of them acquitted despite their own worst efforts.

7. A Pinch of This, A Dash of That  by
iamstarmom (Hermione/Severus)

A wild mix of irony, gastronomy and snarky fluff! Sharp, witty and funny the story drew me away from reality and really entertained. My gift fic in the HG/SS summer exchange 2007.

"It was terribly inconvenient, not to mention difficult, to explain the need to break off a dinner engagement or a tour when one’s left forearm tended to erupt in excruciating pain at unexpected times. “I’m so terribly sorry, I’m being called away to grovel at the feet and kiss the hem of a psychopathic maniac in a cold graveyard. Please, enjoy your pâté without me.”


8. Damn! We Missed the Reception! by

This is a short, spicy PWP that never fails to amuse. Each time I read it I find more.

"He (Ron) then turned to Snape. “I was surprised to see you weren’t out there. You never pass up an opportunity to ride a broom.” He scratched his head. “’Course, if you were stuck in here …”
Snape extended his hands out in front of him, palms up, in imitation of a scale. Lifting his left hand, he said, “Broom,” then lifting his right hand, he countered, “Hermione.” He repeated the action, “Broom, Hermione.”

Harry Potter/House Crossover

9 Three of Perfect Pair   by
clare009 and

A Deathly Hallows compliant WIP that finds all three running from a rogue Death Eater. Sparks fly with House and Snape rubbing against each other like grindstones, when they both are attracted to Hermione. Strong characterisations, crisp writing and a gripping plot. Hermione /Severus /Gregory House

"Snape clenched his fists to resist the urge to hex the man. "As far as I know, Doctor, Miss Granger has no other siblings in any way, shape or form for you to harass."
"Pity," House said as he abandoned his cane and limped to the kitchen. "Because I don't like to share."


Lord Peter Whimsy (Dorothy L. Sayers)

10. ‘Tell Beauty How She Blasteth’ by

An incredibly haunting, brilliant story, AU Strong Poison by Dorothy L. Sayers. Harriet is convicted at her second trial, appeals fail and she is executed. The writing in this captures Dorothy L. Sayers voice. Restrained emotion is expressed beautifully by consummate writing.

She was growing steadily more remote from him, from the living world, further away at every meeting, as if the glass between them was ice thickening in a still-deepening frost. Even before the Home Secretary declined to strike down the sentence, he knew that she had made her peace with death. She no longer disturbed the Chaplain with appeals for apparently random information. She told Peter she had been reading Raleigh.
“Even such is time…?”
“Yes. Although - I think I like the Passionate Man’s Pilgrimage better, if I could only manage to believe it.”
“No forg’d accusers bought and sold, no cause deferr’d, nor vain-spent journey… ?”
“Yes. Only I fear it’s more a case of ‘Go, since I needs must die, and give the world the lie’”
“All love’s but lust? Tell wit how much it wrangles?”
“I didn’t mean that in particular. I didn’t mean you.”
“Tell beauty how she blasteth” said Wimsey, quietly, but Harriet, lost in thought and murmuring “Stab at thee he that will, no stab thy soul can kill,” did not hear him.
There was so little time left.


Mary Russell/ Sherlock Holmes (Laurie R. King)

11. Wedding Night by '"I'm getting too old for this," he muttered...'

Laurie R. King's Mary Russell series is enchanting and now fanfiction has fanfiction! The author takes us into the nuptial bed where we eavesdrop on this most interesting couples' post-coital discussion. A very clever story that uses canon well. A brilliant missing scene. Russell/Holmes

"But Russ - we've not finished our investigation in response to your question. I trust your powers of observation did not desert you while we were making love. Would you say that I, too, found the experience enjoyable?"

At this I found it essential to see his face. I pulled myself up from his embrace, and propped on one elbow, the easier to gaze down at him. My hair tumbled down over us both. "Umm - the world-renowned Mr. Sherlock Holmes, consulting detective, is well known for becoming irritated if not outright bored when a case proves insufficiently challenging. I saw no indication of that in this case. In fact," I said, running a finger along his cheek, "He appeared extraordinarily focused and attentive throughout each stage of the matter. And at the conclusion of the investigation he seemed to be, how should I put it? - positively transported."

Bertie Wooster / Jeeves (slash and Gen) (P.G. Wodehouse)

12. Jeeves and the Artistic Verisimilitude by

Witty, sexy, funny. The author has captured P.G. Wodehouse's voice perfectly, a hard thing to do. Romance, with some drama, angst, humour and fluff. Anyone who loves Wodehouse will love this as well. Those who haven't had the pleasure might after reading this go and read the original. Bertie/Jeeves

My handsome valet must have guessed what was going on in the lower-limb department, as without ceasing his delightful ministrations he guided us both toward the bed, then laid me out upon the soft eiderdown, somehow removing my trousers and undergarments in the process. Had my mind been fully present, I might have felt rather shy then - so clearly having erected the flag-pole for the banner of my desires, as it were, when Jeeves was still half dressed and was regarding me spread upon the soft surface.


Lord Peter Wimsey/Bertie Wooster Crossover- Gen Fic

13. Green Ice by Adina

Any fic that contains county houses, Lords, emeralds and mangelwurzel's can't be missed. This deftly crafted story brings together Bertie Wooster and Jeeves, P.G. Wodehouse's most famous characters and throws them in a country house party with Dorothy L. Sayers, aristocratic detective Lord Peter Wimsey. Emeralds and hearts are stolen. The tale has humour and pathos, as we discover that the outwardly gentle, not very bright Bertie has hidden depths, hidden from himself and most others, but not those closest to him. Within a few words you forget that Plum didn't write this, but as the story reaches it's climax you are taken somewhere the P.G. Wodehouse didn't go, into the troubled minds of the men who survived WW1. This added richness makes this a story doubly worth reading.

"I was listening to Anatole's invectives against the copper who pulled him away from his kitchen, ruining, positively ruining his sauce for mousse de la boue dans une panier de la pâte feuilletée de chaussures, when Sugg returned in triumph with a mass of glittering green in his hands. He came directly towards me, washing up a few feet away with the rest of the inmates clustered around him like hens in a farmyard.

"Mr. Bertram Wooster?" he asked with the sombre satisfaction of a judge on the bench about to nick you for a five pound fine. I nodded, not liking the tone at all. "Could you tell me, sir, how this came to be in your bedroom?"

You would think with the number of times the distaff half have landed me in the soup, accused of stealing necklaces, cow creamers, and other objets d'art, that I would be accustomed to policemen asking awkward questions. The truth is I could only gawp like one of Gussie Fink-Nottle's newts stranded on the carpet.

"May I see that necklace?" Flim asked. Sugg handed it to him without a word, which I thought was rather rummy. If I tried that he would have refused, but Flim had that air of a thousand noble ancestors some birds have that make you do things without thinking.

"Surely you don't think that Bertie stole Roland's necklace?" Aunt Dahlia demanded, leaping to my defence as quickly as she had accused me earlier. "Impossible!"

"It was found in Mr. Wooster's room, madam," Sugg maintained. "Your butler positively identified the room as belonging to your nephew." I was still gawping. "It was discovered on a ledge inside the chimney after I became suspicious of a fall of soot in a fireplace presumably unused since spring." He gave a smug smile at this feat of detection.

"Are you aware that this necklace is fake?" Flim asked."


!official fangirl tour stop, rumpole of the bailey, house md, jeeves & wooster, mary russell, harry potter, lord peter wimsey

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