Wow, it's been a long time since I posted icons on here. I'd be surprised if you even remembered me! But these are icons that I've made in the past months for challenges and personal use as well. I hope you like them!
This batch includes: Twilight, Supernatural, Heroes, Alias and various actresses.
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tags 01-05
01-02: Twilight
03-03: Crossover (Edward Cullen/Dean Winchester)
04-24: Supernatural (incl. challenge entries at
25-25: Megan Fox
26-29: Heroes
30-31: Anne Hathaway
32-33: Alias
Also, if you have any suggestions on which fandoms that could look good together in crossover icons, please comment and let me know! Obviously, I'd be more happy to make them if they're fandoms of mine. For an example of what they might look like see icon number 3 in this post.