May 18, 2015 20:15
It's been too long since I posted here; it's not that things haven't happened, but that I didn't necessarily want to bore people with the details/didn't have the energy to deal with things between work/school/a nasty case of the flu (apparently the Influenza B is taking 6+ weeks to get over). Not to mention that awful things have been happening to far too many people of my acquaintance, and it really needs to stop NOW, damn it. (Fat chance of that, I know, especially since Mercury is going retrograde tonight until June 11...) Still, I should update people on a couple of things:
1) I somehow survived my first year of grad school at Simmons, and currently have a 3.835 GPA (2 As, 2A-s); 12 credits down, 24 and a bigass project to go! When I've finally screwed my head back on and gotten some energy back, I need to see about doing some kind of LIS-related work/volunteer stuff this summer while I have a little time--suggestions, anyone?
2) I'll be going to visit my family in upstate NH over the Memorial Day weekend; it's been too long since I've seen the folks, and they're certainly not getting any younger. (Yes, I worry about them, a lot; I'm glad my brother's there to keep an eye on them, although overall they're in good shape mentally and physically, but I still worry.) Their 60th anniversary will be June 5, and while I won't be up there to help them celebrate on the day, I intend to make up for it this coming weekend. ;-)
3) I'm trying to acquire a large bookcase for my kitchen (because there needs to be some apartment/bookcase Tetris chez moi in the very near future), and I've been offered one in Arlington; the catch, however, is that it's in a second-floor apartment in Arlington, and to get it I need to find a couple of people with strong backs and a car that'll hold your standard Target-type cheap bookcase, since right now I have neither. (I'm currently getting PT for my wonky back, which apparently is due to both osteoarthritis in my lower spine, and an extremely tight right hip; also, the right knee is still not where I'd like it to be re: doing stairs, although I can manage if I'm careful, and walking isn't a problem.) The person who has it needs it out ASAP--any volunteers, or should I tell him I can't make it work? (I'm also looking for a through-the-wall AC unit at a reasonable price/suggestions on who could install such a thing, as well as trying to find new homes for two very old Macs of mine, FWIW.)
Oh, and Universe? Could you please stop crapping on people for a while? *sigh*